

    关键词  浮动球阀  最小壁厚  密封面比压   密封材料   结构长度


    Title       The design of liquid medium ball valve                     

    Abstract Depending on liquid medium, the ball valve structure consists of two floating ball valves, which can load from above. The ball valve structure includes sphere, left body, right body, valve stem, valve seat, wrench, seal ring and so on. When designing the ball valve, the following things should be calculated, such as strength check of the valve stem end, strength check of the flange joint bolt, the design and calculate of other major parts. This is a steel ball valve due to the material WCB. Sealing material selects PTFE. Parts of the design are in accordance with national standards. In addition, length of the structure is also reference to national standards, so it is possible to replace each other.

    Keywords  Float ball valves  Minimum wall thickness  The sealing surface pressure Sealing material  Structure length

    1  绪论 1

    1. 1  前言 1

    1.2  研究背景 1

    1. 3  国内现状 1

    1. 3  国外现状 1

    2  阀门概述 3

    2. 1  阀门的公称尺寸 3

    2. 2  公称压力 3

    2. 3  阀门的型号编制 3

    2. 4  阀门的标志和标记方法 4

    2.4.1  标志的内容 4

    2.4.2  标志的标记方法 4

    2.4.3  标志的标记式样 4

    2.4.4  标志的标记位置 4

    2. 5  涂漆 5

    2.5.1  阀门的涂漆 5

    2.5.2  铜合金材质阀门 5

    2.5.3  耐酸钢、不锈钢材质阀门 5

    2.5.4  阀门驱动装置 5

    3  球阀的用途及分类 6

    3. 1  球阀的特点及用途 6

    3. 2  球阀的分类 7

    3.2.1  浮动球球阀 7

    3.2.2  固定球球阀 7

    3.2.3  弹性球球阀 7

    3.2.4  双联球阀 7

    3.2.5  V形球球阀 7

    3.2.6  升降杆式球阀 8

    3.2.7  金属密封半球阀

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