


    毕业论文关键词  高低机 ADAMS MATLAB 联合仿真

     Abstract  Elevating mechanism is the drive artillery landing part, barrel elevation angle given to a power transmitting apparatus. Typically planetary wheel, drive chain, self-locking device and the auxiliary device and other components. Which are outside the energy-driven case also features manual and motorized conversion devices and transmission devices. The transmission member is a part of the end of the chain is connected to the cradle the other part should be fixed at the shelves.

      Firstly, we analyze the dynamic characteristics of the MLRS during its launch using the elevating machine and verify the effectiveness of the multi-field simulation method. Through software ADAMS and MATLAB Interface load control method, the level of co-simulation analysis of transmission, access to the movement of the transmission system, a true reflection of the level of transmission of motion characteristics. The analysis results show that the elevating machine can meet the requirement of design. 

    Key words  Elevating mechanism   ADAMS   MATLAB  Co-Simulation

    目  录

    1.  绪论 1

    2.  总体方案设计 3

    2.1 原始数据和技术要求 3

    2.2 高低机总体传动方案设计 3

    2.3 伺服电机的选择 4

    2.4 总传动比的分配 5

    3.    行星齿轮减速器的设计计算 6

    3.1 根据传动比确定各论齿数 6

    3.2 按齿根弯曲强度条件确定模数 6

    3.3 啮合参数的计算 7

    3.4 几何尺寸的计算 9

    3.5 传动效率的计算 11

    3.6 装配条件的验算 12

    3.7 强度验算 13

    3.7.1 a-g齿轮副强度计算 14

    3.7.2 b-g齿轮副强度计算 15

    3.7.3 e-g齿轮副强度计算 17

    4.  高低机主齿轮、齿弧设计计算

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