    Design of injection mold for forming process and the door hook  
    Abstract: the plastic industry is one of the fastest growing in the world today, and the injection mold is one of the types of rapid development, therefore, study to understand plastic injection mold production process and improve the quality of products have great significance. This paper discusses the design method of using UG, CAD computer aided design of injection mold for the door hook. Describes the basic principle of injection molding especially the structure and working principle of single injection mold parting surface, put forward the basic design principles of injection molding products; products using materials for PBT+GF20. Injection molding is one of the main methods of thermoplastic plastic molding, molding can be a complex shape of precision plastic parts. The design of the injection mold design of the door hook, the structure of parts of the process analysis. The parting surface, gating system have been determined, the choice of injection machine, has calculated the formation spare part size. The side gate, using straight guide column, putting the pieces to complete the release. So the structure is designed to ensure reliable mould work. Matching the mold structure and the injection machine is checked. And a set of AUTOCAD drawing die assembly drawing and parts drawing. Through this design, can have a preliminary understanding of the injection mold, pay attention to the details of the design, the die structure and working principle of understanding.
    Keywords: injection mold; process analysis; gating system; forming parts.
    目  录
    1  前言 1
    2  塑件分析及建模 2
      2.1  塑件结构特点2
      2.2  塑件选材 2
    2.2.1  PBT+GF20材料特性 3
    2.2.2  PBT+GF20成型性能 3
      2.3塑件建模 4
    3  选择成型设备5
    3.1  最大注塑量5
      3.2  注射压力 5
    3.3  锁模力的计算5
      3.4  开模行程 6
    3.5  选择注塑机7
    4  成型零部件设计8
      4.1  型腔分型面设计8
      4.2  型腔布局9
      4.3  成型零件结构设计9
      4.4  成型零件材料选择9
      4.5  成型零件的尺寸计算 10
      4.6  型腔壁厚计算 10
      4.7  排气槽的设计12
    5  导向与定位机构设计14
    6  模架的选择16
    7  浇注系统设计18
      7.1  浇口形式及位置确定18
      7.2  主流道的设计19
      7.3  分流道的设计 20
    8  脱模机构设计21
    9  模具冷却系统设计23
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