

    综述了引信解除保险距离试验的常用方法。根据敏感性数据分析与一般随机变量处理方法不同的特点,建立了Neyer D-最优化法的似然函数。说明了似然函数的数值解法,以及求解下一次激励水平的数值解法,这一激励水平能够使信息矩阵最大化。利用Matlab编制出了求均值、标准偏差和下一次激励水平的程序。通过蒙特卡洛方法对Neyer D-最优化法进行模拟仿真以研究Neyer D-最优化法的特点。60664

        Neyer D-最优化法,用较少的样本就能够获得准确的期望估值,第20次试验能够获得较准确的标准偏差估值,但标准偏差估值系统偏小。相同的样本容量下,Neyer D-最优化法优于兰利法,但估值的散布比兰利法大。



    Title   the Study on Neyer D-optimal Method about Safety Arming  Range Test                                        


    Arming range is closely related to the safety and reliability of fuze. It's an important safety index of fuze. We do experiment to test safe arming range of fuze. Arming range test is a sensitivity test. It's a complex task to determine arming range. In addition, the increasing complication of modern weapons cause the cost of fuzes increasing accordingly. Ammunition need better safety and reliable fuze, so it is very significant to study new sensitivity test method.

    This paper reviews the common test method used in fuzes. Based on the features of sensitivity data different from the treatment of a common random variable,the likelihood function suitable for sensitivity data of Neyer D-optimal method is established by means of statistical theorem. The numerical solution of the maximum likelihood estimation is given out by the Newton iteration method. The method how to get the next test level which maximizes the determinant of the information matrix is given out too. Applying Neyer D-optimal method a program is made for standard deviation and next test level. Applying Monte-Carlo method with the help of Matlab program to research the features of Neyer D-optimal method.

    Neyer D-optimal method can obtain accurate expected valuation with fewer samples. After twenty tests,this method can obtain standard deviation. But the result is systematic smaller. Neyer D-optimal method is better than Langlie method with the same sample size. But the results obtained by Neyer D-optimal method spread larger than Langlie method.

    Keywords: fuze;sensitivity test;arming range;Neyer D-optimal method;


    1  背景 2

    1.1  引信 2

    1.2  引信的地位 2

    1.3  引信的解除保险距离 2

    1.4  引信解除保险距离试验 2

    1.4.1  试验目的 2

    1.4.2  试验要求及说明 2

    1.4.3  试验合格准则 3

    1.4.4  试验设备 3

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