


    毕业论文关键词  消声器  声压级  声功率级  消声碗  膛口压力


    Title       The Design of the Silencer of Automatic weapons


    Muffler is a noise reduction device using acoustics,whith has wide applications.in the industry,aviation,aerospace,transportation, military and human life environment.

    In this paper,the structural analysis and design process of a submachine gun silencer are discussed,and this muzzle noise characteristics were analyzed,According to the producing reasons and laws of the muzzle noise, and referring to the muffler design ideas of foreign small arns,the sharpe and structural parameters of the entire device were determined.By CAD and Solidworks ,the structure of the silencer was designed,and the noise reduction was also analysed,The results were obtained by comparing the data the original noise conclusion.

    The results show that desihned the muffler of the submachine gun has better noise reduction effect.And basically meets the design specifications,but needs to be confirmed by further experiments.

    Keywords  Muffler  SPL  Sound power level  Silencer Bowl  muzzle pressure

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究目的和意义 1

    1.2  国内外消声器的研究概况 2

    1.3  本文的主要研究内容 4

    2  消声器原理和评价指标 6

    2.1  消声器的原理和种类 6

    2.2  噪声的分类 7

    2.3  消声器的性能评价 8

    2.4  空气动力性能 11

    2.5  结构性能 13

    2.6  结论 14

    3  自动武器膛口物理特性分析 15

    3.1  膛口气流特性 15

    3.2  理论计算的基本假设 16

    3.3  计算涉及到的重要理论依据 16

    3.4  实例计算过程 18

    4  结构设计 26

    4.1  概述 26

    4.2  消声原理概述 26

    4.3  工具软件简介 29

    4.4  消声器的结构设计 33

    结论 39

    致谢 40

    参考文献 41

    1  绪论

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