


    此方案结合了传统机械加工设计的精巧细节,能够满足提高加工效率和保证茶叶品质的要求。机器采用气缸驱动,克服了以往液压驱动方面的不足。 59844

    毕业论文关键词  乌龙茶加工工艺 茶叶加工机械 气动技术 压揉机三维造型


    Title    The design of tea processing machinery                     

    Abstract Oolong tea is one of our characteristics were kind, pop a wider scope. About oolong tea processing equipment has been in ongoing research, but in terms of the current situation there is still a wide gap with other countries. Based on existing domestic and foreign tea processing machinery and equipment were studied to understand, and for equipment for processing on the quality of tea also done some analysis, and ultimately give a tea pressure kneading machine design. This program combines traditional machining exquisite detail design to meet the increased processing efficiency and ensure the quality of tea requirements, and driven by cylinder, by giving the technical parameters required to select the appropriate type of cylinder, hydraulic drive to overcome the deficiencies in the past . Combined with previous types of tea processing machinery and equipment structure, through PROE software design unfolded.

    Keywords  Oolong tea processing technology  Tea processing machinery  Pneumatics   Pressure kneading machine three-dimensional modeling

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究趋势和发展现状 1

    1.3 研究目的及研究内容 2

    2.乌龙茶加工工序和对茶叶品质的影响 3

    2.1 乌龙茶加工工序 3

    2.2 乌龙茶加工工序对茶叶品质的影响 5

    3. 乌龙茶造型机械 7

    3.1 乌龙茶揉捻机械 7

    3.2 乌龙茶包揉机械 8

    3.3 乌龙茶压揉机械 10

    4.乌龙茶茶叶三维压揉成型机初步设计 11

    4.1 乌龙茶压揉机现状 11

    4.2 总体方案初定 11

    4.3 茶叶机三维造型图绘制 12

    5 气动装置设计 14

    5.1 气动系统工作原理及组成 14

    5.3 气缸的结构 16

    5.4 气缸的参数选择及工作特性 17

    5.5 气缸型号的选择 22

    5.6 气缸的使用要求 24

    6 茶叶压揉机各部分零件设计 26

    6.1 茶叶压揉机箱体设计 26

    6.2 茶叶压揉机盖板的设计 27

    6.3 茶叶压揉机挤压板设计

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