

    毕业论文关键词  大口径狙击步枪  消焰器  AutoCAD  SolidWorks


    Title    Design of flash hider of automatic weapon                      

    This graduation design completed the flash hider design of a large caliber sniper rifle. The subject is closely connected with automatic weapon muzzle device research, design and innovation, and has important use value, practical significance and good application prospect. After a lot of previous work, literature investigation both in English and Chinese, academic journals, understanding the current development situation and prospects of both at home and abroad, the serious theoretical analysis was conducted, which made full preparations for the important scheme design. In this paper, using the aerodynamics, interior ballistics and other professional knowledge, through analyzing the characteristics and principle of different kinds of flash hiders, four kinds of scheme design of flash hiders and the corresponding structures and dimensions were finally completed. In the process, after careful theoretical analysis, the designed four different kinds of flash hiders have the reasonable structure and size, good flame suppression effect. SolidWorks was used for entity model, and AutoCAD was used for part of 2D drawings, which make the design more intuitive, three-dimensional accurate presented in front of our eyes.

    Keywords   large caliber sniper rifle  flash hider   AutoCAD  SolidWorks

    1  引言1

    1.1  消焰器研究背景及意义1

    1.1.1  研究背景1

    1.1.2  研究意义2

    1.2  国内外现状及发展方向2

    1.2.1  国内外现状2

      1.2.2  发展方向3

    1.3  课题内容及任务简介3

    2  膛口焰产生和消焰器原理及类型3

    2.1  膛口焰的产生3

    2.2  消焰器的工作原理4

    2.3  消焰器的基本类型4

    3  消焰器总体方案设计8

    3.1  本文所要设计消焰器相匹配的枪型的选择8

    3.2  某大口径狙击步枪的相关参数8

    3.3  相关参数计算8

    3.3.1  变容情况下的火药气体状态方程8

    3.3.2  某大口径狙击步枪膛内火药气体温度的计算9

    3.3.3  某大口径狙击步枪膛内火药气体压力的计算10

    3.4  某大口径狙击步枪消焰器的总体方案确定11

    3.4.1  圆柱形消焰器方案剖析 12

    3.4.2  筒形消焰器方案剖析12

    3.4.3  圆锥形消焰器方案剖析12

    4  某大口径狙击步枪消焰器设计13

    4.1  圆锥形消焰器的设计13

    4.1.1  超声速气流在平滑膨胀管道中的流动13

    4.1.2  圆锥形消焰器的降温问题17

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