    摘要总所周知,船舶的卫生系统在各类船舶以及海上钻井平台上发挥着至关重要的作用,它维护着海员和游客的人身健康和卫生,是船舶居住舱室的重要组成部分。而船舶卫生单元恰恰是为船上的高级船员,重要旅客所配置的一种组合舱室,它能根据需要提供沐浴、如厕、洗刷和净身等各种服务,船舶舾装卫生单元是船舶卫生系统的重要组成之一。对船舶舾装卫生单元进行标准化和参数化的设计有利于进行文明生产,节能环保和对整个卫生单元的美观整洁方面的提升。对于造船业来说,对卫生单元进行标准化和参数化的研究有利于提升船舶的内装质量和预舾装率,在缩短船舶建造周期的同时使得船舶在舾装卫生单元这部分朝着标准化、参数化方向发展,以适应未来不断精细化的模块化造船。由于该发展性研究着重理论层面上的研究,所以总结国内外从过去到今天的研究成果,将其梳理流畅,再结合预舾装及模块化造船等现代高技术作为未来船舶卫生单元的理论依据,设计出一套科学、合理、新颖的未来船舶卫生单元。具体内容为梳理船舶舾装卫生单元的设计和制造工艺的发展过程。再调研收集有关资料,总结船舶舾装卫生单元的设计和制造、模块化发展以及模块化造船、船舶内装等相关领域的发展现状。重点阐述从标准化和参数化的角度总结出船舶舾装卫生单元的发展趋势,主要基于Inventor和 Vault 平台的管理系统。最后尝试针对某特定舱室区域设计一套卫生单元。58417
    abstractThe health system of the ship is an important place for all kinds of ships, includingmilitary vessels, drilling platforms, etc. and is an indispensable part of the living room.Second, the ship's wet units is a compartment combined with bathroom, toilet and washroomfor senior crew and higher cabin passenger to use inpidually which is an important part ofthe ship's health system. Standardization and parameterization of the ship sanitation system isgood for its development in strong integrity, good sealing property, installation convenient,and it also benefits internal quality such as civilizing production, saving raw materials andmaking toilet clean and tidy to improve its interior level and outfitting rate, which isconducive to enhancing the level of crew life, improving ship loading quality and shorten theship construction cycle.Due to the developmental research focusing on theory , we sum up research results homeand abroad from the past to now,comb smooth and combine it with pre- outfitting andmodular shipbuilding and other modern high technology as the theoretical basis of the healthunit in the future.And then we design a set of scientific, reasonable and novel ship sanitationunit in the future. The specific content is to comb the development process of the design andmanufacture of ship outfitting of the sanitary unit. After that,we survey to collect relevant dataand summarize the development status of design and manufacture in ship outfitting ofsanitary unit , module development and modular shipbuilding, ship equipment, such as therelated fields. We focus on summarizing the development trend of ship outfitting of sanitaryunit from the perspective of standardization and parameterization mainly based onmanagement system such as the Inventor and Vault platform. Finally, we try to design a set ofhealth unit for a specific compartment.
    Keywords: ship outfitting; shipping wet units; modular shipbuilding; standardization;parameterization.

    目 录

    第一章 绪论.. 1

    1.1本课题研究的学术背景... 1



    第二章 船舶内装发展的现状和趋势. 3


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