






    Standard parts library is a three-dimensional CAD software provides standard model plugin that can help engineers to quickly create a standard model. In the product development process, researchers have the same standard parts library can save a lot of design time, if there is no standard parts of the 3D model library, engineers will spend a lot of time in the simple repetition modeling work, resulting in a waste of design resources. This thesis is based on VB and Solidworks for mooring outfitting parametric models of standard parts library technology research, aims to establish a mooring attached to the software's 3D model library of standard parts, in order to facilitate the expansion of 3D mechanical product design and form a set of standard resource management system. The main contents of the study include:

    (1) Study is based on Solidworks parametric modeling. Focus on the API of Solidworks Solidworks and VB studies and research associated code.

    (2) Analysis of the construction of moorings principle of the method of standard parts library, workflow and key technologies, careful study of standard parts moorings national standards, analyze the structural characteristics of standard parts, separate parametric and non-parametric building modeling mold standard parts, the end of the chain link, chain link and ends with retaining shackle standard parts such as parametric modeling; swivels, shackles, swivels, Spike anchor, navy anchor, Hall anchor and anchor chain guide machines and other standard parts for non-parametric modeling.

    (3) For the development of a standard resource management system to achieve the standard parts of the query, select the size parameter, edit, delete and other functions.

    Keywords: Standard Parts Library; Three-dimensional modeling; VB process

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题的目的和意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.2.1标准件库的研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.2.2锚系标准件的研究现状及存在的问题 3

    1.3课题的主要内容 4

    第二章 锚系标准件库的设计总体方案 5

    2.1  总体设计方案 5

    2.1.1 面向对象分析说明

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