
    摘要:本篇设计主要介绍了一个汽车座椅连接板制件的冲压成形工艺和级进模的设计过程,并叙述了利用NX设计软件对级进模的三维结构进行设计的过程。按照制件的排样设计,制件的成形需要18个工位,并依据排样设计出18个工位的级进模。设计说明书的第一部分对多工位级进模的发展历史、现状、分类、特点等进行阐述;第二部分对制件进行结构分析、成形工艺分析、材料成形性能分析;第三部分通过结构和成形工艺分析的结果确定制件的具体成形方案,分析比较所拟定的多个方案确定最终的成形方案设计并设计出条料排样图;第四部分是冲模工艺参数计算,包括冲裁力、卸料力、推件力、顶件力、翻边力、成形力及模具压力中心的计算,根据冲压工艺类型和冲压力计算结果选择合适的冲压设备;第五部分是模具结构设计,包括模架的选择、定位机构的设置、卸料机构的确定等内容;第六部分介绍利用 NX10.0级进模模块对制件排样和级进模的三维结构设计的全过程。57205

    毕业论文关键词: 汽车座椅连接板;多工位级进模设计; NX10.0

    Forming process and progressive die design of automobile seat connecting board based on NX

    Abstract: This design mainly introduces the a car seat connecting plate parts stamping forming process and die design process, and describes the use of NX software design of progressive die for the three-dimensional structure of the design process. According to the layout of the parts, the forming of the parts need 18 working position, and according to the layout design of 18 station progressive die. The first part of the design specification of multi position progressive die for the development, classification, characteristics and so on; the second part analyses the structure and forming process analysis, performance analysis of materials forming parts; the third part through the specific forming scheme of the structure and forming process analysis results to determine the parts, several schemes are analyzed to determine the shape design and design a final material layout; the fourth part is the calculation of stamping process parameters, including the calculation of blanking force, stripping force and ejecting force and ejecting force, flanging force, forming force and pressure center of die stamping process, according to the type and pressure calculation results of stamping equipment selection right; the fifth part is the mold structure design, including the choice of mold, positioning mechanism, set up to determine the content of material unloading mechanism; the sixth part This paper introduces the whole process of the 3D structure design of the parts layout and progressive die by using the NX10.0  progressive die module.

    Keywords: Automobile seat connecting plate; Multi station progressive die design; NX10.0 

    目  录

    1  概述1

    1.1  级进模概述1

    1.2  模具的发展1

    1.3  多工位级进模的特点2

    1.4  多工位级进模的设计2

    2  制件工艺分析4

    2.1  制件工艺分析4

    2.2  材料的成形性能分析4

    2.3  制件NX软件建模5

    3  排样设计7

    3.1  制件排样方案确定7

    3.2  条料宽度计算9

    3.3  制件排样的步距确定10

    3.4  材料利用率计算10

    4  冲模工艺计算13

    4.1  冲裁力计算13

    4.2  卸料力、推件力和顶件力的计算14

    4.3  翻边力15

    4.4  起伏成形部分的压力计算15

    4.5  级进模压力中心计算16

    4.5.1  确定压力中心的目的16

    4.5.2  压力中心计算16

    4.6  级进模冲压设备的选择17

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