
    摘要: 本文介绍了导电杆绝缘包扎设备的绕包放卷及加热装置的设计内容。本文详细地介绍了导电杆绝缘绕包加热的国内外发展状况、分类、研究目的和使用场合。主要从导电杆绝缘包扎的工作原理、主体构造、方案设计等方面着手,对本次设计做了详细的介绍。在方案设计上,从材料角度出发,对三个方案进行分析与比较,最终确定出最优方案。在完成方案确定后,对箱体进行了结构上的设计。并对主要零部件进行强度校核和计算,主要针对导电杆绝缘包扎设备的电热丝的选择、机床的选择、热风机的选用、直流电动机的转矩进行计算。同时,对设备的检查、维护也是比较关键的,我们的一台设备要保证要求的寿命,就必须从检修、维护以及各种保养去做,只有面面俱到了,产品才能达到预期的寿命。问题的处理在本次的设计中只是大概做一些介绍,但是要想完全能够解决问题,就得在实际操作中不断地去摸索。57204


    Conductive rod insulation wrap around the package unwinding device and the heating device design

    Abstract:This article describes the conductive rod insulation wrap wrapping equipment design content unwinding and heating device. This paper introduces the development of conductive rod insulation wrap wrapping equipment, classification, purpose and use of the occasion. Mainly from the conductive rod insulation wrap works, body construction, design and other aspects of this design made a detailed introduction. In program design, from the material point of view, to analyze and compare the three programs, and ultimately determine the optimal solution. After completion of the program to determine, on the box has been designed structure. The main components and strength check and calculation, mainly for the conductive rod insulation dressing equipment selection electric wire, machine tool selection, selection, hot air DC motor torque is calculated. Meanwhile, inspection equipment, maintenance is more critical, we are a piece of equipment to ensure that the requirements of life, it must be from the repair, maintenance and a variety of maintenance to do, just everything, products can achieve the desired life. Deal with the problem in this design just about to do some reports, however, to completely solve the problem, we have to continue to explore in practice.

    Keyeords: Conductive rod; insulation; bandage; heating


    2016届本科生毕业设计(论文) 1

    一 绪论 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.2课题意义 2

    1.3课题目的 2

    二 国内外发展情况 4

    2.1 国外的发展情况 4

    2.2 国内发展情况 4

    三 导电杆绝缘包扎设备的相关部件的介绍 5

    3.1绝缘材料 5

    3.2 热风机 5

    3.3 机床 7

    3.4电动机 8

    四.导电杆绝缘包扎设备的绕包放卷机构及其加热装置的工作原理 11

    五、设计内容 13

    5.1 已知条件 13

    5.2 设计内容和要求 13

    5.3设计方案 13

    5.3.1 方案一:电热丝的选择

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