





    As a result of several year market demand's huge drawing, the mold industry develops high speed, the market is broad, production and marketing two prosperous. High accuracy which, high complex degree, high uniformity, high productivity and low consumption displays with the mold production, is other processing method cannot compare. Speed up the promotion along with the consumption pattern and the industrial structure, will certainly sets a higher request to the advanced die making technology and the advanced production equipment. 

    This graduation project designs a Punching die. Take 08 steel plank as the material, carries on the punch holes to the bracket plank, curving and the cut-off, but obtains the bracket components.

    This design's goal is carries on the punch holes to the bracket plank, curving and the cut-off, but obtains the bracket components. the economy, the quick principle, determined that uses the multi-location continual ramming mold. According to the blanking mold design's basic design process, carries on the blanking force computation, the bending force computation, the blanking mold's spare part design and a system design complete mold design process to the blanking mold. This research the first conformity domestic and foreign related laws and regulations, the standard and the product design correlation data, then carry on the blanking mold's spare part and the system design plan using CAD, finally uses Solidworks to carry on the three dimensional solid modeling and the assembly, finally has conducted the simple research to mold's fabrication technology.

    Keywords:Bracket; Punching die; Bending die; CAD ;Sdolidworks.


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    第一章 绪论 1

      1.1 研究背景与意义 1

       1.1.1 研究背景 1

       1.1.2 研究意义 1

       1.1.3 研究目的 2

     1.2 国内外研究现状及问题 2

     1.3 主要研究内容与要求 4

     1.4 本章小结 4

    第二章 托架连续模的设计 6

     2.1 概述 6

     2.2 工艺分析 6

      2.2.1 冲压件工艺分析

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