
    摘  要近年来,随着汽车市场的迅速发展,轿车成为了未来汽车发展的方向。汽车的数量越来越多,它所带来的一系列安全问题引起了人们的关注。然而汽车行驶的一个重要主动安全系统之一就是汽车的制动系统。汽车制动系统的好与坏直接影响着人们行驶汽车时的安全性。因此,我们致力于解决的主要问题是给我们的安全行驶提供保障,所以我们正在研究和开发新的高性能制动系统,来提高汽车行驶时的安全。此外,伴随着汽车市场越来越激烈的竞争,如何提高产品的市场竞争力已经成为了一个企业想要获得成功的关键,比如说如何提高生产率,降低成本,如何才能缩短企业产品研发的周期等等。56686

    本说明书是B型驻车制动器三维仿真的实现。我们要首先介绍汽车制动器的作用,国内外的发展状况。除此之外,基于Solidworks三维参数化建模得到三维模型,然后对驻车制动系统进行系统动画设计,仿真它的工作原理,并基于solidworks motion 进行运动分析,这样我们才能更加直观地了解它的构造和工作状态。



       In recent years,with the rapid development of automobile market,the car has become the future direction of Automotive.With the growing number of cars, a series of security issues attract attention.However, one of the important active safety system of automobile is the automobile brake system.Automobile brake system is good or bad directly affects the safety of automobile.Therefore, we are committed to the main problem to be solved is to provide security for our safety,So, we are the research and development of new high performance brakes, to improve vehicle safety.In addition, accompanied by the automotive market increasingly fierce competition, how to improve the market competitiveness of products has become the key for an enterprise to get success.For example, how to improve productivity, reduce the cost, how to shorten the product development cycle ...

    This manual is the realization of B type parking brake 3D simulation.We will first introduce the brake function, development status at home and abroad.In addition,three-dimensional parameters based on modeling solidworks be three-dimensional model of the brake system of the animation system design,simulation and its working principle,and based on solidworks motion For motion analysis,more antuitive understanding of its structure and working condition.

    Key words:Brake; motion analysis; working principle

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 驻车制动器的概述 1

      1.1.1 制动器的分类2

      1.1.2 驻车制动器的工作情况2

      1.1.3 驻车制动器的作用 3

      1.1.4 驻车制动器使用时的注意事项4

      1.1.5 驻车制动器的保养-5

    1.2 三维仿真的认知-5

      1.2.1 三维仿真的发展史-6

      1.2.2 三维仿真动画的功能6

      1.2.3 solidworks软件的介绍-7

      1.2.4 AutoCAD软件的介绍7

    1.3 本课题研究的目的和意义-8

    第二章 B型驻车制动器零件的测量-9

    2.1 任务分析9

    2.2 零件尺寸的测量10

    第三章 B型驻车制动器三维仿真的实现-14

    3.1 三维仿真的方法14

    3.2 绘制零件三维图14

    3.3 零件的装配21

    3.4 绘制零件二维图23




    第一章 绪论

    1.1 驻车制动器的概述


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