




     (3) 运动控制系统的控制算法和程序:利用Visual Basic 6.0编程工具获取图书的自动三轴运动控制,机械手的自动存取设备也将进行合理的控制编程。



    In daily management of the library, the books classification, handling and rack up and down work need to spend a lot of manpower and time, increase the labor intensity of the librarians, sometimes there will be books classification error and error phenomenon such as hit the shelves. At present, most of the library using the 2 d bar code and the database technology to realize the books information system management, namely, books, books collection, the reader borrow return book information management, and promote the library management and service level. In the wave of informatization, the library lacks on the basis of mechanization automation devices. Library automation and intelligent, able to fundamentally reduce the labor intensity of librarians, improve work efficiency, especially applicable to adopt closed shelves borrowing books in the library. In museums and archives, important documents need to be kept under constant temperature, and humidity environment. Using robots for books and literature classification, automatic access operation, not only can reduce the librarians frequently in and out of the library room for important literature disturbance and damage caused by the preservation of the environment, more conducive to document protection. As a result, automation technology and the effective integration of information technology, is one of the important development trend of future library. Research and development of library automatic access device is a social and economic value of the research project. Control system is the key of library automatic access device component. The stand or fall of its performance directly affects the library access device can automatically according to the requirements as prescribed by the complete library access by the quality of tasks and to complete the task.

  1. 上一篇:料斗冷冲模模具设计
  2. 下一篇:曲面摆线行星传动的基础研究
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