

    目前,我国摩托车减震器的试验设备和实验手段比较落后,试验规程和实验方法也存在一定问题,这些严重地制约了我国减震器行业的发展。国内外对于减震器的特性测试的设备和系统各式各样,主要对减震器进行结构强度试验 、减震弹簧静特性及永久变形试验 、弹簧疲劳性试验、阻力特性试验、速度特性试验、温度特性试验、静摩擦力试验等。

    静负荷特性是减震器的一个重要的性能参数,摩托车减震器静负荷特性 (综合反力) 由空气弹簧特性 (空气力)、减振弹簧静特性 (弹簧力)、静摩擦力、液压力 4 种力合成。而目前的减震器试验台往往忽视了静负荷特性的测试,本文对摩托车减震器及其试验台进行了研究及设计,在比较现有国内外减震器试验台及其试验方法的基础上,设计了一套测试减震器静负荷特性的试验台。

    毕业论文关键词:减震器    试验台   静负荷特性

    Abstract The vibration of the motorcycle is an important factor influencing the motorcycle performance, the vibration will seriously affect the ride comfort and handling stability and fatigue life of motorcycle parts. In addition, the vibration of the motorcycle will seriously affect its speed, but also generate noise. The shock absorber has important influence on these properties, it can efficiently attenuate vibration, the vibration decreases rapidly, the vibration function, improve the stability of motorcycle ride comfort and operation.

        At present, test equipment and test methods for Chinese motorcycle shock absorber is relatively backward, test procedures and test methods also exist certain problems, which seriously restrict the development of our country's shock absorber industry. Domestic and foreign equipment and system for characteristic test of shock absorber of every kind of, mainly to the shock absorber damping spring structure strength test, static characteristic and permanent deformation test, fatigue test, resistance test, speed characteristics test, temperature test, static friction test.

    Static load characteristics is an important performance parameters of shock absorber, static load characteristics of motorcycle shock absorber (integrated force) by the air spring characteristics (air force), the static characteristics of damping spring (spring), static friction, fluid pressure 4 synthesis. While the shock absorber test-bed is often ignored the static load test, this paper study and design of motorcycle shock absorber and its test platform, based on a comparison of the existing domestic and foreign damper test bench and test methods, a set of static load characteristic test of shock absorber test-bed design.

    Keywords: shock absorber   Static load characteristics      bedstand  


    第一章 绪论

    1.1 研究背景 - 1 -

    1.2 国内外油压减震器试验台现状 - 1 -

    1.3 内容 - 2 -

    第二章 摩托车减震器的原理和作用 - 3 -

    2.1 减震器的分类和作用 - 3 -

    2.2 减震器的工作原理 - 3 -

    2.3 减震器静负荷特性

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