






    Thin-walled stainless steel pressure connection is widely used in engineering construction,but the compression mechanism research. Because of the pipeline material,use,performance is different,its connection way is endless also and same,this paper introduces the card type pipeline connection technology,the method of simple installation,simple method. The connecting clamping connection method execution pipelines,the hydraulic oil hydraulic device output to drive the loading device dedicated to card loading clamp pressure,the sealing surface of the pipeline card jaw elastic-plastic deformation,so as to realize the pipeline seal. The paper mainly completes the following work:

    Based on the understanding of domestic and foreign related research and development situation, analysis of the principle of clamping pipe connection and sealing mechanism,and based on the requirement of pipe connection technology,DN25 thin stainless steel pipe as the object,puts forward the overall design scheme,and the design to the caliper structure based on collectivity scheme.

    On this basis,force analysis to stability of compression joint and compression process,construct entity and simulating its connection process using three-dimensional modeling software; and through Abaqus software analysis clamping jaw of the stress and strain,to find out the maximum stress and the stress point,we finished the clamping jaw.

    Through the pipeline compression joint seal test and connection test,the conclusion of the experiment and finite element analysis results are compared and analyzed,which verify the rationality of the caliper structure design,good sealing performance,the results of finite element analysis is correct and the pipe.

    Keywords: stainless steel tube; clamping joints; caliper; finite element analysis

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1不锈钢管概述 1

    1.2不锈钢管连接方法的现状与发展 2

    1.2.1常规管道连接方法的分析 2

    1.2.2卡压连接方式的发展 4

    1.3国内外管道卡压连接的发展概况 4

    1.3.1国内管道卡压连接的发展现状 4


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