

    本论文主要研究工作台的三维CAD建模及机床相关零件的强度计算。最终完成出大型缸套数控立式车床的设计。主要内容如下: 50291






    Abstract Cylinder sleeve is a key part of diesel engine, it directly determines the merits of the diesel engine performance. It must attach importance to the sliding parts of the main diesel engine cylinder sleeve's research and manufacturing equipment research. This issue is designed the vertical lathe for the large cylinder sleeve processed.The workbench and Column are important components of vertical lathe.

    This paper mainly studies three dimensional modeling of the workbench and Column.Finally, completing the design of CNC vertical lathe for large cylinder sleeve.The following is The paper’s primary coverage:

    Firstly, The analysis of the domestic and foreign large cylinder machining technology and the existing problems.

    Secondly,Access to information, analyzes the common vertical lathe working principle, structure, characteristics and development status of China's CNC machine tools.

    Thirdly,according to a large cylinder processing conditions, access to a large literature to determine design, complete vertical lathe bench design overall and by three-dimensional CAD modeling software to get the vertical lathe bench, the whole three-dimensional model.

    Fourthly,The designed components were checking calculation.

    Keywords:Large cylinder sleeve; CNC Vertical lathe; rotary workbench.

     目  录

    第一章 绪论1

    1.1 选题的目的及意义-1

    1.2 国内外研究现况及存在的问题2

    1.3 CAD设计软件概述--5

    1.4 数控机床概述--5

    1.5 消失模概述-7

    1.6 本文主要研究的内容--7

    1.7 本章小结8

    第二章 数控立式车床的总体方案设计9

    2.1 立车设计的主要技术参数-9

    2.2 在设计过程中考虑的因素-9

    2.3 立车的总体布局设计-10

    2.4 工作台的总体设计11

    2.3.1 主轴部件的结构设计10

    2.3.2 主轴尺寸设计与校核11

    2.5 本章小结--13

    第三章 零部件的设计与建模14

    3.1 回转工作台支撑导轨的设计-14

    3.2 回转工作台的结构设计--15

    3.3 切削力的计算-16

    3.4 电机的选用18

    3.5 同步带的设计-19

    3.6 胀套的设计21

    3.7 变数箱的选用-23

    3.8 齿轮的设计23

    3.9 工作台主轴系统的设计--28

    3.9.1 主轴部件的结构设计28

    3.9.2 主轴尺寸设计与校核29

    3.10 轴承的寿命计算-32

    3.11 回转工作台的结构设计-33

    3.12 立柱的设计--34

    3.13 回转工作台的CAD装配-35

    3.14 本章小结-35

    结 语-36

    致 谢37参考文献--38 

    第一章  绪论

    1.1 选题的目的及意义 


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