




    This study is the electrolytic cathode plate straightening automation system. Currently, electrolytic cathode plate mostly uses the artificial straightening. But there are many disadvantages of artificial straightening. The straightening efficiency and straightening precision is low. Development of electrolytic cathode plate automatic straightening system can effectively solve this problem, so as to improve enterprise metal production efficiency.

    Composition of straightening system consists of straightening machine and control system. The control system based on the original curvature of electrolytic cathode plate to calculate the corresponding straightening parameters, and then, control the straightening machine to accomplish straightening task. Method for determining the straightening parameters based on metal elastic-plastic deformation theory and straightening theory. Straightening machine is the foundation of realizing the straightening operation. Design of straightening machine can realize lifting, clamping, loading on the cathode plate and straightening process. The control system is composed of image acquisition module, image processing module, PLC control module. Image acquisition module collects the cathode plate deformation information, then, translate into the straightening parameters. PLC control servo motor to realize the straightening process.

    Keywords:  Electrolytic cathode plate, Flattening, Image processing, PLC control

    目  录

    第一章 绪论-1

    1.1 选题的目的和意义--1

      1.2 国内外矫直技术的发展现状2

      1.3 本文研究的主要内容3

      1.4 本章小结-4

    第二章 阴极板的矫直方案及参数计算5

    2.1 矫直系统的总体方案设计--5

    2.2 矫直系统结构方案--6

      2.3 矫直系统控制方案--8

    2.4 阴极板弹塑性变形分析-8

    2.5 阴极板压力矫直原理9

    2.6 矫直过程中主要参数的计算--10

      2.6.1 矫直过程中弯曲力矩的计算-10

      2.6.2 阴极板矫直弹复曲率的计算-12

      2.6.3 阴极板矫直弹复挠度的计算-13

    2.7 本章小结13

    第三章 阴极板矫直机构设计14

      3.1 矫直机总体分析14

      3.2 阴极板加载机构设计--15

    3.2.1 加载机构设计参数的确定16

    3.2.2 加载机构丝杠的选择-16

    3.2.3 加载机构伺服电机的选用19

      3.3 阴极板夹紧机构设计--21

    3.3.1 夹紧机构丝杠的选择-22

    3.3.2 夹紧机构伺服电机的选用25

      3.4 阴极板支撑辊设计-26

      3.5 阴极板升降机构设计--27

    3.5.1 升降机构丝杠的选择-28

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