

    毕业论文关键词:  灌装;直线型;控制;PLC

    Liquid filling line

    Abstract:This paper is mainly aimed at the Part design of liquid filling line. With the strong development of packaging machinery in China, more and more enterprises are engaging in this industry. They will choose appropriate method about the filling technology, and set by the product requirements. This design consist of three parts of quantitative cup filling body, plate conveying mechanism and PLC. Quantitative cup method has simple structure, abundant functional characteristics and high efficiency .Plate transportation agency is quite mature. Line layout is exquisite, flexible and strong carrying capacity. Transfer speed is very fast. Conveyor chain length is longer enough to be suitable for working conditions of long distance transport, so plate conveying mechanism widely used in the transportation industry. Science and technology brings us convenient, and also turns down labor. Automation control is one of our goals, PLC realize that the product produce orderly, at the same time, PLC could monitor the production process. Liquid filling line’s requirement is stable running, reliable, without doubt, we also hope that Liquid filling line is suitable for various occasions.

    Keywords:  filling; line design ; control ; PLC


    1绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2课题背景 1

    2灌装流水线研究动态 2

    2.1灌装机的液体产品介绍 2

    2.2灌装流水线的灌装方法分类 2

    2.3灌装流水线的发展趋势 3

    3总体方案的设计分析 5

    3.1灌装输送机的设计方案 5

    3.1.1明确装置功能及其适用情况 5

    3.1.2工艺分析 5

    3.1.3总体布局 6

    3.2输送机构的选择 6

    3.3灌装机构的简介 6

    4液料供送系统的设计计算和选用 8

    4.1输送管路的设计计算 8

    4.1.1圆管的内径 8

    4.1.2圆管的壁厚 9

    4.2输送液泵的确定 9

    4.3阀端孔口流量计算 12

    4.4灌装时间的计算 13

    5供瓶系统的设计计算和选用 15


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