


    Abstract Welding is a process that could connect two or more kinds of the same or dissimilar material through the binding between atoms or molecules and the diffusion, welding line is combining part formed by welding process. Welding methods varied, but regardless of any welding method, the local heat input is uneven, producing welding stress and deformation which will result in producing cold or heat cracks and other defects in welded joints, and affect the precision of the shape and size, fatigue strength and fracture characteristics of welded parts, which will directly affects the performance of welded structures. Therefore, we need to understand the welding heat input, master the rule of welding stress and deformation, in order to prevent and remove welding defects, and improve the quality of welding better. This article analyzes the welding process of the steel plate and copper plate, using aluminum as filler material, complete the weld model creation of different grooves. I using ANSYS finite element simulation, analysis the residual stress, deformation and temperature distribution of welded joints, and take reasonable precautions to reduce the welding residual stress and deformation on the basis of analysis result. In addition, I design a welded structure reducer cabinet, using reasonable process in order to obtain a cabinet that meet the requirements.

    Keywords: welding line; Residual stress; temperature field; Cabinet welded structures

    目  录

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.1.1 焊接技术的发展与现状 1

    1.1.2 焊接方法 2

    1.1.3 焊接接头 3

    1.2 焊接应力与变形 4

    1.2.1 引起焊接应力与变形的机理及影响因素 5

    第2章 不同坡口焊缝的有限元分析 7

    2.1 ANSYS简介 7

    2.2 异种金属焊接 8

    2.3 有限元模型及模拟焊接条件 9

    2.3.1 物理模型 9

    2.3.2 有限元模型和网格划分 12

    2.3.3 焊接方法和焊缝热源的处理 12

    2.4 焊缝分析过程 12

    2.4.1 U形坡口的分析处理 12

    2.4.2 V形坡口的分析处理 19

    2.4.3 双V形坡口的分析处理 23

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