



    ABSTRACT The design for the medium-sized four-column hydraulic press, design bearing maximum load 2000KN. Host's main components include: upper beam, guide posts, table, moving the beam and the master cylinder, top of the cylinder and other components. This document focuses on the design of the hydraulic system. Through specific parameter calculation and analysis of the working conditions, the development of the overall control system solutions. Develop hydraulic control system block diagram. Hydraulic system adopts integrated control cartridge valve integrated cartridge valve control good sealing, flow, pressure loss. Set up the oil tank top host master cylinder fast forward to solve the problem of insufficient supply when. Limit switch controls the speed of the master cylinder for access and security, travel restrictions; ensure the quality of the workpiece, the workpiece holding pressure loop can stabilize molding; This system has the leak pressure cycling equipment to ensure safety. In addition, this paper hydraulic station hydraulic components important structural, shape, process design, the host, a brief electrical control system design.

    Hydraulic system pressure loss and temperature of the hydraulic system design review cycles to achieve forging, stamping, cold extrusion, straightening, bending and other materials made of plastic molding process.

    Keywords: Hydraulic System ;Hydraulic Pressure machine;Graduation design

    目  录

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1  液压机现状概要 1

    1.2  本文拟达到的要求 2

    第2章  四柱液压机总体方案设计 4

    2.1  四柱液压机主要设计参数 4

    2.2  四柱液压机工作原理分析 4

    2.2.1  四柱液压机的基本组成 4

    2.2.2  四柱液压机的工作原理 5

    2.3  四柱液压机工艺方案设计 7

    2.4  四柱液压机总体布局方案设计 8

    2.5  四柱液压机零部件设计 8

    2.5.1  主机载荷分析 9

    2.5.2  主机工作台设计 12

    2.5.3  控制台设计 12

    第3章  四柱液压机液压系统设计 13

    3.1  液压传动的优越性概述

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