


     Abstract In order to reduce emissions cutting fluid to environmental pollution, promote the metal cutting technology, high efficiency, high speed development green, and improve the titanium alloy processing materials to processing efficiency, extend the life of cutter, the finite element software DEFROM-3 D through to Ti-6 Al-4 V constitutive model, friction model, knife-flocks contact friction and heat transfer model and key physical link modeling, established the cold wind of cutting of 3 D modeling, and the cutting process simulation. The single factor experiment method, simulation is pided into two parts, one is: in the same parameters and the cold wind temperature by changing the cutting speed, and concludes that the cutting force, the change rule of cutting temperature. 2 it is; In the same parameters and cutting speed of dry cutting under low temperature and the cold wind of cutting of cutting force, cutting temperature for analysis. The simulation results show that increase cutting speed, can cause cutting the temperature increases, but for the Lord had little effect on cutting force; Compared with dry cutting, low temperature cold wind cutting can effectively reduce the temperature of cutting, cutting force and the cold wind slightly higher than that of dry cutting.

    Key words: Titanium alloy; The cold wind cutting; Cutting force; Cutting temperature; Finite element method 

    目    录

    第一章   绪论 6

    1.1 冷风切削技术的发展应用及课题 6

    1.1.1 金属切削基本技术的进步 6

    1.1.2 低温空气代替切削剂 6

    1.1.3 冷风切削技术及加工系统 7

    1.1.4 冷风切削效益 8

    1.2 研究现状 9

    1.2.1 冷风切削技术的实验研究 9

    1.2.2 金属切削过程的三维有限元分析 11

    1.3 钛合金分析 11

    1.4 本论文研究目的、意义 12

    1.5 本论文研究的主要内容 13

    第二章   冷风切削过程有限元仿真技术 14

    2.1 材料模型的建立 14

    2.2 刀屑界面摩擦模型的建立 14

    2.3 热传导模型及冷源的添加 15

    2.3.1 热传导模型 15

    2.3.2 冷源的添加 16

    2.4 网格重划分 16

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