





    Fire board material collection device for production line end semi-finished products separately, in order to delivery to the drying plant. Forklift trucks and other vehicles and supporting applied, can realize the rapid loading and unloading of cargo. This can greatly improve production efficiency, reduce the labor of workers. The lift adopts full hydraulic control system, can produce more power, and the hydraulic device has the advantages of small volume, light weight, large power density, compact structure. Easy to achieve quick start, brake control.

    The shearing fork type lifting platform mechanism analysis of technical characteristics, combined with the specific situation of planning and design work, a lifting table of each part and a hydraulic cylinder arrangement, and according to the requirements of the hydraulic system on the part of the design and calculation of hydraulic actuator - ultimately determine the hydraulic cylinder of the relevant parameters, based on the lifting rod of various conditions of a subject stress analysis to determine the lifting rod structure, finally complete scissor type hydraulic pressure lifting platform design.

    During machine design, the first use of Solidworks software on the planning of the mechanical3D modeling and virtual assembly, and then according to the mechanics analysis to determine the exact structure size and modify3D models. Through the motion simulation animation, dynamic observation of structure between the interference condition and position parameters. 3D model after perfecting, final design of two-dimensional engineering drawings.

    Key words:Lift platform ;Scissor ;Lydraulic 

     目  录

    摘  要 I

    前  言 1

    第一章 绪论 2

    1.1 本课题研究的背景 2

    1.2 本课题研究的意义 2

    1.3 国内外研究发展情况 2

    1.3.1 国内发展情况: 2

    1.3.2 世界升降机发展现状和升降机发展趋向 5

    1.3.3 国外工程升降机行业的联合风潮 6

    1.4 本论文研究思路和所做的主要工作

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