




    The hydraulic system is powered motor basis, the mechanical energy into pressure using a hydraulic pump, hydraulic oil driving. Through various control valve to change the flow of hydraulic oil, thus promoting the hydraulic cylinders made of different distance, different direction of movement. All kinds of different equipment to complete the actions required. Hydraulic system has been in many departments of various industrial sectors and agriculture has become more and more widely used, and more advanced equipment, its application on the part of the hydraulic system is more.

    Introduction of UG, the application of Simulink software in the hydraulic system of the simulation, the design of hydraulic system of milling machine as an example, establishes the dynamic model of the hydraulic system, results show that the software is an effective way in the simulation of the hydraulic system of milling machine.

    Keywords: hydraulic stability of the system, design and simulation, machine tool, stability

    目   录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1液压系统研究现状 1

    1.2液压系统研究存在的问题 2

    第二章 液压系统设计 4

    2.1 液压系统的设计要求 4

    2.2 液压系统的功能设计 4

    2.2.1工况分析 4

    2.2.2 液压缸工作技术参数

    第三章 液压系统方案的确定和原理图的拟定 9

    3.1  基本方案的确定 9

    3.1.1液压回路的分析、选择与合成 9

    3.2液压原理图的拟定与设计 11

    第四章 液压系统元件设计 12

    4.1 液压泵的确定 12

    4.1.1液压泵的类型选择 12

    4.1.2 液压泵的计算与选择 12

    4.2 液压附件的计算与选择 13

    4.2.1 确定管道尺寸 13

    4.2.2 液压油箱容积的确定 14

    第五章 液压系统的验算 16

    5.1 检验液压系统的效率 16

    5.2 系统温升的验算 17

    第六章 液压系统的运动仿真 18

    6.1基于UG三维仿真 18

    6.2 基于simulink的液压系统仿真 26

    结论 29

    致谢 30


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