


    Abstract With the emergence of totally enclosed lifeboats , and sudden shipwreck of unexpected situations, often leading to the lifeboat suspended in midair flattening, it is difficult to get out. "Stay the hook" the dangers of concern, technological improvements are inevitable. Thus, the 1983 version of the amendments to the SOLAS Convention requirements lifeboat all use the on-load release hooks, boat hook through the two submarines to manipulate the release lever leaving the installation in the boat external hook to disengage the sling force the lifeboat fell to near from the surface to disengage the sling and fell into the water to enter the lifeboat on-load decoupling "era. But in recent years a lifeboat with the lifeboat on-load release device-related safety incidents continue to occur. In this paper, the structure of the lifeboat release recovery system, the operating process and lead to the cause of the accident analysis, and the existing lifeboats boat hooks structural defects, excessive force rotation center designed two suspension points lifeboat boat hook load synchronous decoupling device , the device including survival bow, stern davit hook, release the lever and the connection wire rope, to meet the load of 3 tons, the design checking, you can manually load and no-load decoupling.

    Keyword:closed; Path planning; voice; ultrasound; obstacle avoidance

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 --1

    1.1 课题来源 --1

    1.1.1 救生艇有载释放装置强制要求的背景--1

    1.1.2 救生艇有载释放事故分析 --1

    第二章 艇钩之辩 4

    2.1 都是艇钩惹的祸 --4

    2.2 方案之争 --5

    2.3 中国提案陆战群雄-6

    2.4 尘埃落定 应对在即 --8

    第三章 有载同步脱钩装置设计方案 -10

    3.1 国际组织对艇钩设计的一些要求-11

    3.2 救生艇释放装置构造与工作原理-12

    3.2.1 救生艇艏、艉吊艇钩 12

    3.2.2 吊艇钩的释放与回收-13

    3.2.3 救生艇承载与非承载释放操作--14

    3.3 对比分析国外专利确定设计方案-14

    3.3.1 艇钩装置设计方案14

    3.3.2 释放装置设计方案16

    第四章 有载同步脱钩装置的设计计算17

    4.1 艇钩设计17

    4.2 钢丝绳锁设计--18

    4.3 有载装置设计--19

    第五章 三维模型-20

    5.1 solidworks软件特点--23

    5.2 三维图--24


    致  谢--29


    第一章 绪论

    1.1 课题来源

    1.1.1 救生艇有载释放装置强制要求的背景

    1980年3月27日,挪威附近北海埃科菲斯克油田遇到恶劣天气,其海上“亚力克山德一基兰德”号(Alexander KieHand)油井勘探工作平台的5个支撑脚中的1个被风浪打断,立即倾覆,平台上的123名工程技术人员丧生于波涛汹涌的大海。事后调查发现,该石油勘探工作平台配备封闭式救生艇总共7艘,每艘可以乘坐5O个人,有4艘从石油工作平台吊放到海面,却无法脱离挂柱吊钩,结果造成已经成功进人救生艇的所有人员均难逃一劫。这场悲剧的发生使挪威当局下令设计制造载人救生艇释放到海面的时候能够自动脱落的新型吊柱挂钩。1983年修订的海上人命安全公约第三章规定,1986年7月1日以后建造的船舶必须一律配备能够让人员安全上下和自动收放的救生艇吊柱挂钩机械系统,即救生艇承载释放装置。但遗憾的是,无论实战还是演习,救生艇收放过程中仍然不时发生人员意外伤亡事故,至今仍然没有设计制造出满意的无故障救生艇收放吊柱挂钩机械系统。

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