
    摘要玻镁板又称氧化镁板,是以氧化镁,氯化镁,和水三元体系,经配置和加改性剂而制成的,性能稳定的镁质胶凝材料,以中碱性玻纤网为增强材料,以轻质材料为填充物复合而成的新型不燃性装饰材料 ,具有耐高温、阻燃、吸声、防震、防虫、防腐、无毒无无污染等特点。于是制造玻镁板成为现在人们所关心的话题,现在制造玻镁板时大多还在使用人工方式推动。这不仅影响工作的效率,而且还得消耗更多的人力资源。所以我们不得不开始思考利用科学,想出更有效,更经济的办法。于是我们推出了全新的自动上板机。这是全国领先的一项技术。本文中介绍了自动上板机的工作原理,工作流程,结构设计和上板机构装配与上板机的模拟仿真,并阐述了一下过去自动上板机的现状,并展望了更先进的方式。其中结构设计是利用pro/e软件进行的,同时还利用它的仿真功能对它进行的模拟仿真。让人身临其境般的感受到上板机的魅力。49629

    毕业论文关键词: 玻镁板;上板机;效率;pro/e  

     Abstract Glass magnesium board and say magnesium oxide plate,is the magnesium oxide,magnesium chloride,and water three yuan system,the configuration and add modification made by agent,performance and stability of magnesia cement materials,with in alkaline glass fiber network reinforced materials,lightweight materials for filling in the compound and into new incombustible decoration materials, has a high temperature resistant, flame retardant, So people have now become manufacturing glass magnesium board about the topic of,now manufacturing glass magnesium board mostly when still use manual mode push. This not only affects the efficiency of work,but also have to consume more human resources. So we have to start thinking about using science,come up with more effective,more economic method. So we launched a new automatic machines. This is one of the country's leading a technology. This paper introduces the working principle of the automatic machine,the work flow,the structure design and upper institutions on the plate assembly and simulation,and expounds the present situation of the past,the automatic machine,and discussed the more advanced way. Among them is the structure design of the software for the pro/e,and use it to the simulation of the function of the simulation. Let a person feel overwhelmed the charm of the machine. 

    Keyword:Glass magnesium board,Trigger on,efficiency ,pro/e

    目 录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 论文的目的与背景 1

    1.2 自动生产线研究现状和发展趋势 5

    1.3 玻镁板生产线上板机构的研究现状及发展趋势 6

    1.4 软件介绍 6

    1.4.1 Pro/e软件的介绍 6

    1.4.2 Camtasia Studio软件介绍 7

    1.4.3 Math Type软件介绍 7

    第二章 玻镁板生产线上板机构工作原理 8

    2.1 工况概述 8

    2.2 工作原理 8

    第三章  结构设计 10

    3.1 总体方案设计 10

    3.1.1 设计任务与要求 10

    3.1.2 结构组成 10

    3.1.3 工作流程 10

    3.2 结构设计 11

    3.2.1 推动部分气缸的选型

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