







    Abstract With the rapid development of industry, mechanical products spread every corner and are becoming an important part of people living. However, pollutions brought by production and manufacture of mechanical products get more and more worse, and they aren’t ignored. So, the product which is friendly to environment, namely green product, must be designed and developed. What kind of products are green products? Do they meet the demand of design? How can the better products that are kind to environment be produced? To assess the green degree of products is greatly needed.

    An appropriate assessment index system and methods play an important role in green degree assessment. This paper studies mostly these aspects.

    This paper mainly studies the following several aspects:

    (1)On the basis of the analysis of the meaning for the green products,greendesign,built a green—degree evaluation index system for household electricalappliances.This paper according to the specific performance characteristics ofhousehold electrical appliances,according to national standards,andestablishing an objective and reasonable evaluation index system,whichincludes the dynamic indicators and static indicators,both includes requirequantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of indicators.

      (2)For example,to household refrigerators,using FAHP built agreen—degree evaluation index system for household refrigerators,to consider

    the characteristics of the properties of the various indicators.Using fuzzymethod carried out a macro—evaluation comprehensive analysis of the greendegree for the examples of products.using a method of combination ofqualitative and quantitative analysis processing the data of indicators,and finally calculated the total green—degree evaluation results of product.

      (3)Design and development the software tools of the green—degreeComprehensive evaluation system model for household electrical appliances.The system is developed using VB6.0,this system is mainly aimed at thecharacteristics household electrical appliances and to comprehensive evaluationof green degree of it,this system including a large number of green knowledgeand information,and can supply help for product development and design staff.

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