








    Abstract Numerical control tube bending because of it has accurate, high efficiency and low energy consumption to create lightweight and flexible tube bending parts of advantages and be able to in the aviation, aerospace and automotive field being widely applied. Big bend pipe bending radius because of its tube bending radius is big, of steel tube bending Angle is small, the bending deformation degree of steel tube after forming small, quality and accuracy easy guaranteed etc, and in recent years is widely used in furniture decoration, car pipeline and oil pipeline in the road. But bend pipe fittings in elbow pipe of process has geometrical nonlinearity, contact, and lead to it in nonlinear bending tube after forming inevitable has some quality problems. The bending radius of big bend pipe fittings as it has some quality same defects, which bend pipe after forming, unload die bending pieces of the rebound is influence bend pipe bend radius of geometric accuracy and precision of the shape a factor. So the big bend pipe bend radius of bending forming in the rebound after research has the very vital significance.

    This article mainly aims at large pipe bending radius in push bending forming the generation after springback Angle of a rebound in the finite element simulation for the actual push bend mold on the basis of simplifying the finite element model. Through the ABAQUS/Explicit software to big bending radius of pipe of the springback Angle simulation studies, the main research contents are as follows:

    1, through to the relative bending radius R/D, relative wall thickness D/t of finite element simulation, measure their push bending forming of after springback Angle, comparing the parameters on the effect of springback Angle trend.

    2, respectively on aluminium tube and stainless steel pipe materials sclerosis index n and strength coefficient K of finite element simulation were compared and analyzed, material parameters on the large pipe bending radius springback Angle influence

    3, this paper also to bend pipe at home and abroad and research status of springback Angle in this paper.

    4, introduces the main functions of using ABAQUS software

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