





    Abstract With the development of science and technology, metal cutting technology matures, the processing technology in the industry within the scope of the world have improved significantly. China's shipbuilding industry developed, the steel plate for shipbuilding is often required prior to use for processing of the groove and the side to meet the requirements of the hull welding process and users of welding quality. The main conventional equipment for the processing are gantry milling machine, large planer. The low utilization of the processing quality is not high labor intensity, short tool life, frequent replacement, is also more difficult to adjust. To this end specially designed for large marine steel plate side of the groove processing large green marine edge milling machine, has important practical significance for improving the production efficiency. 

    The paper describes the design of large marine Milling Machine. First, to understand the construct of the traditional marine Milling Machine, the design and rehabilitation programs is determined. In the design process through the design of the plate and hydraulic clamping device, so that the steel plate to quickly locate and clamp milling. Finally, using the software package ABAQUS finite element analysis and structural optimization design; After transformation, the drilling machine structure using Pro / e assembly and simulation of virtual prototypes.

    The results show that the design can successfully achieve the requirements of the design task, to complete the delivery requirements of the sheet,When improved processing efficiency.

    Keywords: Milling Machine; plate; hydraulic mechanism;

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2高速切削加工发展概况 2

    1.3普通铣边机简介 2

    1.4 船用铣边机制造的意义 3

    1.5 国内的铣边机行业发展概况 3

    1.6设计的主要内容和任务 4

    1.6.1 设计提供的条件 4

    1.6.2设计内容与要求: 4

    第二章 工作原理及总体方案设计 6

    2.1 工作原理 6

    2.2 总体方案设计概述 6

    第三章 夹紧机构设计参数 8

    3.1 概述

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