




    Abstract Now is a mechanization of the growing era. With the level of development of modern machinery, the mechanical surface of the increasing demand. Thermal spraying, electroplating and other surface modification techniques are also developing. With the surface of arc spraying technology widely, the role of filament-winding machine in steel arc spraying and anti-corrosion engineering is indispensable.

    The filament-winding machine design, the main purpose is to improve the efficiency of the arc spraying, reduce labor intensity and lower costs. Arc spraying in order to improve economic efficiency, and promote the wider application of thermal spray technology. The main basis for the function of the arc spray winding machine, the design requirements. Working body of the filament-winding machine, gear and rack part are described.

    The design is simple, compact, high efficiency, reduce labor intensity. Suitable for small quantities of a single piece and mass production, can get good value for money, with good prospects for development.

    Key words:Winding machine; Arc spraying; Thermal spraying 


    第一章绪论 1

    1.1热喷涂 1

    1.1.1热喷涂的定义及原理 1

    1.1.2热喷涂的种类及其特点 2

    1.2电弧喷涂技术 3

    1.2.1电弧喷涂技术的原理及其特点 3

    1.3设计绕丝机的意义 7

    第二章总体设计 8

    2.1总体设计前准备 8

    2.2设计方案的确定 8

    2.2.1常用传动机构的一般布置原则 8

    2.2.2传动机构类型选择的一般原则 9

    第三章传动部分的设计 10

    3.1传动部分总体设计的要求 10

    3.2传动系统的分析和拟定 10

    3.3绕丝机传动系统的确定 11

    3.4电动机的选择 11

    3.4.1电动机类型的选择 12

    3.4.2电动机功率的选择 13

    3.5传动装置传动比的拟定及确定 15

    3.5.1总传动比的确定 15

    3.5.2传动装置各级传动比的分配 16

    3.6传动装置的运动与动力参数的计算 17


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