




    Abstract In the construction, such as DAMS place in sluice on the water drop, to ensure the navigation of water conservancy project building. In order to ensure the process of navigation ships to change the water level elevation chamber, it must be monitoring water level.At present,many domestic water level monitoring stations are still using manual methods.The method of measuring not only the physical presence of security problems,but there are still difficult to measure accurately monitor real-time monitoring is not strong,and so on.In order to accurately monitor real-time water level,designed a single-chip microcomputer control of the water level monitoring system.

    This paper discusses current situation and development of water-level monitor,describes the design theory and policy of water-level detective monitor.This thesis mainly discuss the design and realization of the data collection system which refers to the pressure inside the water.The system is mainly used to finish the data collection、processing、display and data storage.On the analysis of the system structure and function requirement,the system in this thesis adopts the 51,expands the power、reset interface circuit,introduced the design of GSM remote communication.In the deep discuss of the system,it describes the key technique and design concretely. 

    This article contains the whole system design, of each module in software programming. System software programming design main content to complete the monolithic integrated circuit to the water level sensor output signal processing, the A/D conversion, LED display, dynamic data transmission first place machine etc. Function.

    Keywords: 51 Single-chip Microcomputer; water-level sensor; C lanuage 


    目 录

    第一章  绪论 - 1 -

    1.1 课题背景及其意义 - 1 -

    1.2 国内外发展状况 - 2 -

    1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 - 5 -

    第二章  系统总体设计 - 7 -

    2.1系统总体设计方案 - 7 -

    2.2硬件电路的设计 - 7 -

    第三章 软件设计 - 12 -

    3.1程序设计语言的选择 - 12 -

    3.2 MCS-51单片机开发环境 - 13 -


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