





    Transportation tapes are widely used in building material, chemical, coal, electric power, metallurgy and other departments,massive, granular , powder of a variety of materials , such as coal, coke, sand and gravel , cement and other bulk material ( material ) , or items applicable to conveying non- corrosive spikes at room temperature,transport packing density of 6.5~2.5t/m3 various massive, granular, powder and other bulk materials,can also be used for adult goods transportation.

    In this design , the use of PLC and touch screen control system design of a sheet conveying unit . In the control system , the conveyor belt can manually control can be automatically controlled .Manual control , not only can control a conveyor belt , they can control the conveyor belt .Control the conveyor belt when the conveyor belt can either run the same speed , they can run at different speeds .Automatic control , the transport belt running at the same speed , One conveyor belt to start immediately after the start of the automatic control , in order to prevent the accumulation of the conveyor belt material on the 2nd , the 3rd , the 4th conveyor belt , every order of 5 seconds to start.

    The action of the operating system on the touch screen in the landing system , manual control and automatic control , emergency stop , and alarm acknowledgment .

    Keywords:PLC ,Touch screen ,conveyor belt

    目 录 

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1  学术背景 1

    1.2  理论与实际意义 1

    1.3  国内外发展现状 2

    1.4  研究内容 3

    第二章 可编程控制器简介 4

    2.1  可编程控制器简介 4

    2.1.1  可编程控制器工作原理 4

    2.1.2  可编程控制器功能特点 5

    2.1.3可编程控制器功能的选择 5

    2.2  S7-300 可编程控制器 7

    2.2.1  西门子的编程软件和程序结构 7

    第三章 触摸屏简介 10

    3.1  触摸屏简介 10

    3.1.1  触摸屏的特性 10

    3.1.2  触摸屏工作原理 11

    3.2  西门子触摸屏的一般特性 11

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