





    毕业论文关键词  弹底压力  弹丸轴向加速度  存储测试  单片机  高过载


    Title  Design of Testing Device for Base Pressure and Axial Acceleration of the Projectile


    Base pressure and axial acceleration of projectile are important parameters for the study of artillery launching process,which provide reference to design of the artillery and projectile. A device of synchronous measuring base pressure and axial acceleration of projectile is presented. It is based on storage measurement, which has obvious advantages compared with the traditional testing methods.

    This thesis includes several main points as follows:

    (1) After the problems of measuring bottom pressure and axial acceleration of projectile is analyzed, the method of measuring bottom pressure and axial acceleration of projectile is put forward and the scheme of testing device is designed.

    (2) The circuit module of testing system is designs, which is controlled by AT89S52 to collect and record the measured signals. To achieve the functions of collecting and recording the data and serial communication, the single-chip computer is programmed by C language.

    (3) The effective protective measures are adopted to protect the testing device in the high overload condition, such as strengthening circuit and effective buffer. Lastly, external structure of the testing device is designed and the finite element model of the main structure is built up and strength analysis of the external structure is analyzed.

    Keywords  projectile base pressure  axial acceleration of projectile storage measurement  single-chip computer  high overload

    目 录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究目的及其意义 1

    1.2  弹底压力及加速度测量方法的发展状况 1

    1.3  存储测试技术发展状况 3

    1.4  本文的主要研究内容 4

    2  弹底压力及弹丸轴向加速度测试装置总体设计 5

    2.1  测试装置的总体结构 5

    2.2  弹载测试系统的总体方案 6

    2.3  本章小结 7

    3  弹底压力及轴向加速度存储测试系统的电路设计 8

    3.1  测试装置的传感器 8

    3.2  调理电路 8

    3.3  数据采集系统实现触发的结构设计

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