






    Cycloid hydraulic motor have the characteristics such as simple structure, small size, light weight, wide speed range, a big ratio which torque to the weight , good stability in low-speed, widely used in agriculture, fisheries, marine, plastics, machine tools and construction machinery. The mesh structure of Cycloidal gear is the core structure of the cycloid hydraulic motor. The Mesh Characteristic has a direct impact on the performance of the motor. The text give the analysis to Motion characteristics of the engagement of the pin wheel planetary drive mechanism from two aspects which about the working principle and structural features of Cycloid hydraulic motor.  On this basis the displacement, torque, work stress characteristics of Cycloid hydraulic motor can be a relevant study to us and further structural optimization was designed for the theoretical basis of the further study. Details are as follows:

    The working principle of Cycloid hydraulic motor was analyzed and some simple induction and analysis for the structural features of Cycloid motor was done.

    The working principle of Cycloid motor was studied; the parametric equation of the stator lines and rotor profile for cycloid motor was erected on this basis.

    The structural optimization design for cycloid motor against the radial force was done and the three-dimensional modeling of the internal structure was completed.

       Keywords: Cycloid hydraulic motor, Structural optimization, 3D modeling  

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2齿轮马达的发展及其研究状况 1

    1.3摆线马达的应用及其研究状况 2

    1.4论文研究的意义及主要研究内容 4

    第二章 摆线马达的理论研究 5

    2.1摆线及其相关的问题 5

    2.2摆线马达的啮合原理 6

    2.3摆线马达的分类 7

    2.4摆线马达和摆线泵的区别 8

    第三章 摆线针轮液压马达理论研究及结构 11

    3.1摆线针轮液压马达的工作原理及其特点 11

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