
    摘要目前我国残疾人主要的出行工具即是残疾人车, 而残疾人车在外使用时,会沾染路面的一些尘土。为了让残疾人车在进入房间之前便对其进行一定的清洗,所以此次课题要研究一种残疾人车车轮的清洗装置。


    毕业论文关键词  残疾人车  自动清洗装置  建模  有限元


    Title  the design & analysis of automatic cleaning device for wheelchair wheels


    At present, the main means of transport for people with disabilities in our country is wheelchair, and when the wheelchair in use, will be contaminated with some of the dust of the road. In order to let the wheelchair to carry out certain cleaning before entering the room,so the subject to study a wheelchair's wheel cleaning device. 

    The design of the main content includes in the understanding of the design background and the principles of design, design the cleaning device's shape, transmission system, then selected the reasonable one in a variety of programs, according to the above select the motor, and calculation and design the unit parts, use the software for 3D graph modeling, assembly and making view exploding after the completion of the design , using the finite element to the key part to strength check ensure that the device can meet the strength requirements. 

    Keywords  wheelchair    automatic cleaning device   modeling   finite element

    目   次

    1.  绪论 1

    1.1  课题的研究背景及前景 1

    1.2  国内外清洗装置的现状和设计构想的提出 1

    1.3  自动清洗装置的设计内容 2

    1.4  本章小结 3

    2.  残疾人车车轮清洗装置的设计思路及设计原理 4

    2.1  残疾人车车轮清洗装置的设计思路 4

    2.2  残疾人车车轮清洗装置的设计原理 4

    2.3  本章小结 5

    3.  自动清洗装置的外形设计 6

    3.1  残疾人车的基本参数 6

    3.2  残疾人车车轮清洗装置的外形设计 7

    3.3  残疾人车车轮清洗工具的选择 11

    3.4  本章小结 11

    4.  残疾人车车轮自动清洗装置的传动系统设计 12

    4.1  传动系统方案选择 12

    4.2  电机的选择 13

    4.3  本章小结 15

    5.  清洗装置零部件的设计 16

    5.1  从动轴 16

    5.2  主动轴 16

    5.3  轴承 17

    5.4  轴承端盖

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