



    Abstract As the development of industry technology, the fierce of the market competition and the financial crisis. The shipping industry is sustaining enormous pressure. In shipping industry , the cutting and nesting of sheet metal is very important during the ship manufacturing process .The effective of management of the cutting and nesting processing is the key for the enterprise to survive.

    This passenger was focused on the problem of  Taizhou Sanfu Shipyard company . Through the research on the spot , I decided to Reengineer the Autocad with the VBA. Just focus on the nesting system and the management with Data Base (Access). In the module of the management of sheet metal stock, it can operate the database of the sheet metal stock .In the module of automatically nesting ,it includes the nesting of rectangle parts , the nesting of regular pentagon parts ,the nesting of regular hexagon , the nesting of trapezoid parts and the nesting parts of  L-shaped parts . Each of them can be nested automatically and connected with Database . In the module of helping ,it includes some introduction and details.

    Keywords: VBA ; Nesting ; Database ; Reengineering of Autocad

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究目的和意义 1

    1.2 优化排样的发展以及现状 1

    1.3 船舶板材排样的特点 4

    1.4 套料技术问题综述以及国内外研究现状 5

    1.5 船舶板材的排样问题和研究现状 6

    第二章 系统的开发环境的简介以及总体设计 7

    2.1 Autocad开发工具及其特点 7

    2.2 VBA的开发环境及特点 7

    2.3 系统总体方案设计 9

    第三章 排样模块的算法以及编程实现 14

    3.1 图形的参数化实现 14

        3.1.1 Autocad对象模型 14

    3.1.2 创建对Autocad部件对象的引用 14

    3.1.3 图形对象的创建与编辑 15

    3.2 矩形零件的排样 17

    3.2.1 矩形的参数化生成 17

    3.2.2 矩形排样算法(BL算法) 18

    3.3 L形零件的排样 20

    3.3.1 L型零件的参数化生成

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