    摘要:机床加工是现代制造业中无法离开的加工手段,又由于机床加工在当今的发展趋势之下与数控技术之间的连接越来越紧密,可以说已快不分你我。本篇论文正是建立在这样的基础之上。在本篇论文中,首先进行该零件的分析和工艺设计,使用一次装夹,多次加工的方法,确定机床为五轴铣床。其次于UG三维建模中创建该零件,并在UG/CAM中根据确定的工艺路线创建对应的工序。这其中大致包含加工方法的编辑,几何体的选定,刀具的创建,工序的创建,以及对已经创建的工序中的参数(切削\非切削参数)进行更改。较为新颖的内容在于post builder(post configurator)的二次开发,利用该软件创建五轴机床的后处理文件,在进行后处理。最终使用机床仿真(tool path和NCcode)进行检验。48443
    毕业论文关键词: 工艺流程规划;Post;加工仿真;
    Based on FANUC machine parts process design and machine tools
    Abstract: Machine tool processing is cannot leave the means of processing in modern manufacturing, and because of the machine tool processing under the trend of the development of today and the connection between the numerical control technology is more and more closely, can say is almost regardless of you and me. This paper is based on this. In this paper, the first part analysis and process design, using a clamping, several processing methods, determine the machine tool for five-axis milling machine. Second to create the parts in UG three-dimensional modeling, and according to the determination of process route in UG/CAM create the corresponding process. Editor, which contains roughly machining method selection of geometry, tool to create, the process of creating, and the parameters in the process of already created cutting parameters (cutting \noncutting move) to change. Is the content of the novel lies in the post builder (post configurator) of secondary development, using the software to create five-axis machine tools in the post-processing file, in the reprocessing. Finally use the machine simulation (tool path and NC code) for testing.
    Key words: The process flow; post; Machine Simulation; 
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 国内外发展趋势    2
    1.3 研究内容及其实验方案    2
    1.4 论文主要内容    2
    1.4.1 基本内容    2
    1.4.2重点内容    2
    1.4.3难点内容    2
    2 加工工艺规程    4
    2.1 零件的分析    4
    2.1.1 零件的作用    4
    2.2.2 零件的技术要求    4
    2.2 零件的工艺分析    4
    2.3  确定毛坯    5
    2.3.1 确定毛坯的制造形式    5
    2.3.2 确定毛坯的尺寸    5
    2.4 拟定工艺路线    5
    2.4.1 定位基准的选择的意义    5
    2.4.2 确认基准选择    6
    2.4.3 表面加工方法的确定    6
    2.4.3 制定工艺路线    8
    2.5  加工余量、工序尺寸的确定    9
    2.6  刀具及其切削用量    10
    3 创建加工工序    11
    3.1  定义加工方法    11
    3.2  定义几何体    11
    3.3  创建刀具    12
    3.4  编程    13
    4 后处理    24
    4.1  Post builder以及Post Configurator    24
    4.2  Post builder    24
    4.2.1关于控制器的选择与作用    24
    4.2.2其他参数的选择    25
    4.2.3宏功能构造    25
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