

    毕业论文关键词:自动化 化妆盒盖 注塑模具 计算机辅助设计软件


    Title   CAD design of the injection mold for the cover of the cosmetic box                                                      


    The cosmetic box cover injection mold design was mainly for the improvement of a kind of widely used  make-up box’ production process, mainly lied in the mold design, improving the production efficiency of the plastic products, improving the old process mode of products, accomplishing the automation. On the other hand, the cosmetic cover injection mold design content was needed to be combined with computer aided design(CAD) software, so that the mold design could keep up with the latest design trends, reduce design time and cost, the design mainly includes: analyzing the makeup pieces of plastic prouducts by computer aided design software, injection molding machine model selection and verification, design of product release system and the mold open action, the design of automatic selection and check off the condensed material, mold parting surface selection, design oriented positioning system, molding system design, the design of the cooling system, exhaust system design, fixed distance parting system design, structure design, including the main structure and function of mould diagram.

    Keywords  automation; cosmetic box cover;injection mold ; CAD

    目   次

    1引言  01

     1.1 模具行业国内外发展现状 01

     1.2 本次模具设计的意义、主要内容和要求 03

    2 制品模具成型工艺分析 04

     2.1 制品的结构和尺寸分析 04

     2.2 制品材料的相关特性   04

    3模具总体方案的选定与校核 06

     3.1模具型腔数的选定 06

     3.2 分型面的选定  06

     3.3 制品注塑机的选定和校核 06

    4模具浇注系统的设计计算 09

    4.1 主流道的相关设计计算  09

    4.2 分流道的相关设计计算  10

    4.3 冷料井的相关设计计算  10

    4.4 浇口的相关设计计算  10

    5 模具成型结构的设计计算  13

    5.1 凹凸模相关尺寸设计计算  13

    5.2 型腔相关尺寸的校核  13

    6模架的选取和校核 15

    6.1 模架的选取  15

    6.2 模架相关尺寸的校核  16

    7 模具其它系统的设计 17

    7.1 脱模系统的设计  17

    7.2 流道凝料脱模系统的设计  18

    7.3 导向定位系统的设计  18

    7.4 冷却系统的设计  19

    7.5 排气系统的设计  20

    8 模具总体校验21

    8.1 注塑机注塑压力校核  21

    8.2 注塑机注塑量的校核  21

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