

    毕业论文关键词  传输机构  结构设计  三维建模  运动仿真  动态分析


     Title  Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of an automatic  machine                                          


    On the battlefield today,the artillery is still an effective weapon to suppress the enemy.In order to support the artillery sustained high speed and steady operation,the continuous improvement of the ammunition transmission technology is particularly critical.The transmission mechanism of the artillery automatic mechanism is composed of the annular unit, the linear unit,the sector unit, the torsion unit and so on.According to the requirements of the subject,the structural design of the linear transmission unit and the sector transmission unit have been completed.Using the drawing software, the 3D modeling of the linear transmission unit and the sector transmission unit have been completed.And the software has been used to complete the simulation of the model.The next,the dynamic characteristics of it has been analyzed.At the last,the ultimate goal of simple animation has achieved.

    Keywords  Transmission mechanism   Structure design   3D modeling     Motion simulation   Dynamic analysis

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究课题以及本课题的研究背景、目的和意义 1

    1.2  本课题的研究内容和研究思路 1

    1.3  本章小结 2

    2  传输方案的选择和介绍 3

    2.1  直线闭合传输单元 3

    2.2  扇形闭合传输单元 3

    2.3  本章小结 3

    3  传输单元各部分尺寸参数的确定 4

    3.1  传输炮弹的类型和尺寸说明 4

    3.2  传动链规格的选择 4

    3.3  链轮齿形参数的计算 4

    3.4  扇形闭合单元结构尺寸的确定 6

    3.5  本章小结 7

    4  传输单元简化模型的设计 8

    4.1  炮弹、弹夹模型的设计 8

    4.2  直线传输单元模型的设计 9

    4.3  扇形传输单元模型的设计 12

    4.4  电机的选择 17

    4.5  减速器的选择 18

    4.6  拨弹轮的设计 19

    4.7  完成最终的总装配体 19

    4.8  本章小结

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