


    毕业论文关键词    聚能效应   超高速碎片   药型罩   占据体  射流     


    Title         Desigh  of  Hypervelocity  Shped  Debris


    Space debris has a very high velocity, above 10km/s, an experienment to model debris impact test in labs is needed. So, it is meaningful to desigh a hypervelocity debris launcher and conduct a simulation experienment of debris.

    This topic has distincive engineering background. Based on the idea of inhibitor, a novel hypervelocity debris launcher is desighed. By aid of ANSYS/AUTODYN, the two-dimension model of hypervelocity debris launcher is built. The forming process and cutting process of jet are modeled. The influence of inhibitor is researched, the optimal axial position and the radial position are obtained. The influence of taper angle on debric velocity is explored, and the change rule of tip velocity of the debric is gained. The wall thickness of shaped charge is discussed, and the change regulation of tip velocity of the jet is obtained. The reasons why tip velocity change with the parameter of the shaped charge are analyzed. This study is instructive to desigh a  hypervelocity debris launcher used in labs, and can alse provide some references to the optimization of debris.

    Keywords  Cumulative effect,  Hypervelocity debris,  Shaped charge ,  Inbihitor, Jet  

    目   次

    1  绪论   1

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义  1

    1.2  技术相关国内外研究现状  1

    1.3  课题研究内容和拟采用的研究手段  3

    2  总体结构方案设计  4

    2.1  超高速聚能碎片发生装置的设计要求  4

    2.2  理论基础  4

    2.3  系统总体结构方案   12

    2.4  部件结构方案   14

    2.5  本章小结   15

    3  占据式超高速碎片发生装置  16

    3.1  模型建立  16

    3.2  占据体有无对射流剪断的影响  18

    3.3  占据体轴向位置对碎片形成的影响   19

    3.4  占据体径向位置对碎片形成的影响   22

    3.5  本章小结  23

    4  药型罩参数对碎片速度的影响  25

    4.1  药型罩锥角对碎片速度的影响   25

    4.2  药型罩壁厚对碎片速度的影响   28

    4.3  本章小结   29

    结论  30

    致谢  31

    参考文献  32

    附录  35

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义


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