    【摘要】:纵观当今社会发展现状,游戏产业成为一个火热的新兴产业,众多网络游戏的火热以及巨大的青年人群使得游戏市场近年来异常火爆。相比于游戏软件的开发升级,游戏硬件的开发速度也日渐成熟,而游戏鼠标的生产创新就是其中重要的一部分。本研究课题主要研究游戏鼠标上壳的外形设计及制作过程的注射模具设计。鼠标上壳作为一种塑料制品,其制造方式一直主要是注塑成型。制造业中,注塑模具的地位日渐提高,注塑模技术也在不断提升,模具制造的效率越来越高,精度和质量也越来越高。这一次重点研究鼠标上壳的注塑模具设计方法,并且选用PRO/E软件建立塑件模型和模具模型,更直观地表现模具的结构等,另外,设计中还采用软件内部自带的塑形顾问glastic advisor进行模流分析和动态仿真,确定注射模具的最佳方案,保证塑件的质量。从而利用CAD/CAE技术加快模具设计进程,提高生产效率,降低生产成本。31946
    毕业论文关键词】:游戏鼠标上壳   注塑成型  模具设计
    Gaming mouse shell design and injection mold design
    Key words:Gaming mouse shell   Injection molding   Mold design
    Abstract:Throughout the current situation of social development ,the game industry has been a hot emerging industry.It is many popular online games and huge crowd of young that makes game market hot in recent years.Compared to the development and upgrade of game software,the speed of game hardware development is maturing.The production innovation of the gaming mice is an important part in the game hardware.This research direction is the design of gaming mice shell and injection mould of design process.The gaming mice is a kind of plastic products,whose manufacturing method is injection moulding.With the improvement of the status of injection mould,people are also demanding more and more high design and manufacturing requirements about injection mould.Therefore,CAD/CAM/CAE manufacturing system of injection mould was born. Plastic mould industry is developing toward the high efficiency,high quality . In the research of my injection mold design,it will study the optimization and design the three-dimensional drawing、mold assembly drawing to achieve the visualization of the entity,by Pro/Engineer. Otherwise we use internal plastic advisor,glastic advisor,to conduct mold flow analysis and dynamic simulation.We need to make sure the best solution of injection mould to guarantee the quality of plastic parts.We make use of CAD/CAE to speed the process of mould design,better the production efficiency and cut down production costs.
    第1章 前言    4
    1.1国内外发展状况    4
    1.1.1鼠标市场概况    4
    1.1.2模具行业概况    4
    1.1.3我国塑料工业现状及技术    4
    1.1.4我国塑料模具工业发展前景及方向    6
    1.2毕业设计研究内容    6
    1.2.1鼠标上壳三文设计    6
    1.2.2最佳成型方法的选择与成型工艺分析    6
    1.2.3模具结构分析确定与主要零部件结构设计    6
    1.3研究目的及意义    7
    第2章 塑件结构及成型工艺分析    8
    2.1塑件结构工艺性分析    8
    2.1.1塑件结构和形状设计    8
    2.1.2材料选择    8
    2.1.3尺寸精度    9
    2.1.4脱模斜度    10
    2.1.5壁厚    10
    2.2成型工艺分析    10
    第3章 模具结构设计    11
    3.1注射模选型    11
    3.2型腔数量选择    11
    3.3注射机选型    11
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