


    毕业论文关键词:  刷镀机;  镀笔;  移动机构;  虚拟装配

    Design of the Moving Mechanism of Plating Pen on Automatic Brush-plating Machine for Rail

    Design General information: due to the pressure of different loads and cooperation between working parts during the working process of mechanical equipment, mechanical damages such as fatigue failure, abrasion and erosion of mechanical parts become inevitable. Therefore, brush electroplating technology emerged as it saw good bonding between coating and workpiece surface, strong wear resistance and improved reuse rate of some old parts, so it had been applied in workpice repairing to prolong the service life of different workpices, achieving higher economic value and social value. For example in Liaoning province, it just took five days for a company to repair the machining surface of a large machine tool which regained the original machining precision and dimensional accuracy and prolonged its service life. In conclusion, it is safe to say that rapid brush electroplating technology largely improved the wear and erosion resistance and micro-hardness of the coating, especially multi-metal alloy coating which gained even better performance than single-metal coating. So far rapid brush electroplating technology has become a focus in the fields of machinery, logistics, minerals, etc., even in the repairing of critical components of important military equipment in China.

    This paper aims to design a moving mechanism for the plating pen of automatic brush-plating machine for rail as required in actual production of modern industry. This design has to meet all performance and precision requirements in different production and work conditions and ensure rationality and feasibility of the moving mechanism. The main work included moving mechanism selection, driving mode determination, plating pen’s structure design, motor calculation and selection, 3D virtual model rendering and assembly drawing making, etc. After comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of different driving modes, three-phase hybrid stepping motor, which featured simple structure, low structural cost and better economic applicability, was picked out to drive the moving mechanism of the plating pen. In terms of the moving mechanism, the initial crank connecting rod was replaced by ball screw for the driving after comparison of the features of different moving modes, in order to make sure that the working parameters of the brush-plating equipment meet the given standards. After the basic type was fixed, preliminary data preparation and calculation were made to the components, mainly the selection of ball screw pairs,  

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