

    毕业论文关键词: 手机盖;级进模;零件的结构设计;压力机选择

    Design of progressive die for mobile phone cover

    Abstract: With the development of modern technology of stamping, die quality requirements are increasingly high. The progressive die is a kind of precise and complex, with high efficiency, long service life, high precision and so on. In the current production demand is more important, so this paper, now the production demand, should use modern design method, the mobile phone cover of progressive die was designed. In this paper, mobile phone cover of progressive die for the design and calculation of the main, including the design and calculation of the main pressure parts. For example: drawing punch, punch cutting waste, cutting edge design of punch and die, including the calculation of pressure calculation all kinds of pressure, select and check press. In the design and layout of the same design is very important, when the layout design includes the calculation of the material utilization, through calculation makes the material utilization rate reached the maximum, the It can save the material. 

    Key words: Mobile phone cover; progressive die; structure design of parts; press selection

    目  录

    1  引言  …1

    1.1  我国冲压技术的发展1

    1.2  模具工业发展趋势…2

    2  冲裁件的工艺分析  4

    2.1  冲裁件的结构工艺性…4

    2.1.1  冲裁件的形状 4

    2.1.2  冲裁件的尺寸精度…5

    3  制件冲压工艺方案的确定…6

    3.1  冲压工序的安排…6

    3.2  冲压顺序的安排…6

    3.3  冲裁工艺方案的原则…7

    4  制件排样图的设计及材料利用率的计算 8

    4.1  展开尺寸的计算 8

    4.2  制件拍样图的设计…9

    4.2.1 搭边与料宽 …9

    4.3  材料的利用率计算 10

    5  确定总冲压力和选用压力机及计算压力中心12

    5.1  冲压力的计算 12

    5.1.1  冲导正孔力计算…12

    5.1.2  切废料力的计算…12

    5.1.3  拉深力的计算12

    5.1.4  冲孔力得计算12

    5.1.5  切断力的计算13

    5.2  卸料力、推件力及顶件力的计…13

    5.3  压力中心的计算…13

    5.4  压力机的选用…14

    6  凸凹模刃口计算 16

    6.1  落料、冲孔凸、凹模刃口尺寸 …16

    6.1.1  计算原则 …16

    6.1.2  凸模和凹模配合加工…17

    6.2  拉深模凸凹模尺寸 20

    7  模具整体机构设计  22

    7.1  连续拉深模具结构设计22

    7.2  卸料装置的选择…23

    7.3  选择坚固件及定位零件24

    7.4  压力机的校核24

    7.4.1  公称压力 24

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