毕业论文关键词: 模具;冲裁件;复合模
Forming process and die design of pallet
Abstract: The name of the design of the pallet. There are three main processes: blanking, punching and drawing. Parts dimension accuracy requirement is high, mass production, so the production of compound die. The stamping die is widely used in the actual industrial production. In the past industrial manufacturing, human production of large amount of labor, inefficient and now with the rapid development of science and technology, using the die to manufacture industrial activities, and even the activities of life, has become commonplace. It not only can greatly improve the production efficiency, but also can reduce the burden of human production. This time I design the mold is a simple and practical TRAY Parts, for mass production of similar parts has a certain reference value.
Key words: Die; stamping parts; compound die
目 录
1 前言 1
2 零件图3
2.1 塑件材料特性 4
5.3.1 处理工艺4
5.3.2 材料的成型性能4
5.3.3 材料的力学性能4
3 确定冲裁工艺方案5
4 主要工艺参数计算6
4.1 毛坯尺寸的计算 6
4.2 搭边值的确定 7
4.3 排样方式7
4.4 步距8
5 压力机的选择和成型部件的计算9
5.1 选择压力机9
5.2 确定压力中心10
5.3 校核冲压设备基本参数10
5.3.1 模具闭合高度校 10
5.3.2 冲裁所需总压力校核 11
5.3.3 模具最大安装尺寸校核 11
5.4 计算凸凹模刃口尺寸11
6 模具零部件结构的确定14
6.1 拉深凸模结构的设计14
6.2 凹模结构的设计14
6.3 凸凹模的的结构设计15
6.4 冲模的导向装置16
6.5 冲模的定位装置16
6.6 卸料装置16
6.7 确定导向方式16
6.8 紧固件17
6.9 其他零件的设计17
7 落料拉深复合模装配18
7.1 冲压模具装配的技术要求18
7.2 落料拉深复合模装配的特点18
8 重要零件的加工工艺过程编制20
1 前言