


    毕业论文关键词:驱动桥 主减速器 差速器 

    Abstract  The automobile transmission task is to transfer engine power. In order to meet the needs of motor cars, with the transmission also can not completely resolve the contradiction between the engine characteristics and vehicle normal driving. First, because a large part of the engine in the car on a vertical placement, so that torque can be passed to the left and right drive wheels, torque transfer direction must be changed by the drive axle of the main gear box, and at the same time have driven by the differential of the bridge to solve the left and right drive wheel torque distribution between the problem and differential requirements. Secondly, the need to power came after the transmission, drive shaft, main gear box of the drive axle further increase torque and reduce speed changes. Therefore, in order to make the design of the drive axle is reasonable, you must first choose the total transmission ratio of the transmission system and appropriately assign it to the drive axle.

    The main subject of research is the design of the drive axle of the truck speed through the survey to collect and analyze relevant information, according to their characteristics in the understanding of their characteristics on the basis of the drive axle structure of programs designed according to their characteristics and to determine the structure of the main gear box form; using MATLAB software to complete the main gear box gear strength calculation and gear bearing load calculation, and using CAD to draw the part drawings and assembly diagrams of the drive axle.

    Keywords: drive axle  main reducer  differential


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.概述 1

       1.1.本研究课题的学术背景及其理论与实际意义 1

       1.2.本课题主要研究内容 1

       1.3.国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

    第二章 驱动桥的设计 2

    1.主减速器 2

    1.1. 驱动桥的结构型式 2

    1.2.主减速器的设计 5

    1.2.1. 主减速器的结构型式 5

    1.2.2 .主减速器主动锥齿轮的支承型式及安装方法 7

    1.2.3. 主减速器从动锥齿轮的支承型式及安装方法 8

    1.2.4. 主减速器的减速型式

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