



    Abstract  When the car drives in the long downhill,by gravity ,the car has the trend of accelerating to a dangerous degree.  At this time should be the speed limit in a certain safe value and maintain a stable.  In addition,to the cars have been suspended,should enable the car remains camped reliable. These are the role of the car intact collectively referred to as brake.   Brake to apply braking torque on the wheel in order to hinder its rotating parts.  The various types of vehicles used by the friction brake can be pided into two major categories of drum and disc. 

      This paper introduces the Chery A3 car's front wheel brake design and optimization design on this basis. Introduce the development, structure and classification of automotive brake systems. This thesis is to use MATLAB software to complete the optimization design of brakes. Select the optimal target caliper disc brake disc spring.

    Make the disc spring meet the target of mechanical performance requirements on the basis of small size,light weight to Reduce the size and weight of the brake. By 

    optimizing the design of the objective function decreased by 4.2% than the results before the optimization.It reaches the disc spring size and weight reduction target under the premise that meet the requirements of the mechanical properties. 

    Keyword: Brake   Disc brakes   Optimal Design 

    第一章 绪论---1

    1.1 引言 2

    1.2 研究背景 2

    1.3 钳盘式制动器的设计意义及现状 3

    1.4 钳盘式制动器优化设计的现状和发展 4

    1.5 本文主要内容 5

    第二章 钳盘式制动器的设计计算 6

    2.1 钳盘式制动器工作原理 6

    2.2 制动设计的主要要求 7

    2.3 制动器设计的一般原则 8

    2.4  滑动钳盘式制动器参数确定 9

    2.4.1 设计对象主要参数 10

    2.4.2 同步附着系数的确定 10

    2.5 滑动钳盘式制动器的计算 11

    2.5.1 钳盘式制动器的受力分析 11

    2.5.2 制动盘的设计 11

    2.5.3 摩擦衬块的设计 12

    2.5.4 前后轴制动力矩分配系数β的确定

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