    摘要在本课题中,主要研究氧传感器与三元催化器的关系,以及空燃比控制和排放控制系统的关系,氧传感器的结构特点及工作原理,氧传感器的参数标准及测试规范。提出在Labview虚拟软件平台上实现氧传感器的数据采集及性能检测的解决方案,软件程序对氧传感器进行采样,完成检测结果显示和图形分析,并能把检测数据汇总在EXCEL中并完成数据存储,采集氧传感器电压波形把LabVIEW和Nios 11相结合,有利于解决了氧传感器出现的问题,通过Labview将氧传感器的电压、内阻和响应时间汇成数据表格,并在系统中显示测量结果、波形图、参数值和显示特性曲线。通过Labview系统可以改善氧传感器的工作效率,精确的分析氧传感器的各种性能参数。这样对于发动机的动力性、经济性以及三元催化转化装置转化效率有显著的提高,还可以降低污染的排放。46036
    This paper mainly studies the air fuel ratio control and emission control system composed of oxygen sensor and three element catalyst system., in-depth understanding of the structure characteristics and principle of oxygen sensor, a thorough analysis of the oxygen sensor test standard parameters and test specifications;. Proposed to realize oxygen sensor data acquisition and performance testing solutions in the LabVIEW development platform, software program to complete the oxygen sensor sampling, complete the detection result display and graphical analysis and environment, Excel data storage for the completion of the detecting data collected oxygen sensor voltage waveform of the LabVIEW and NIOS 11 combination , well solve the detection of oxygen sensor, LabVIEW program voltage resistance and response time formed Excel data file, test results and curve display, store and display characteristic curve and the main indicators of performance parameters. The detection system can improve the oxygen sensor to detect the work efficiency and realize the real-time analysis of parameters of oxygen sensor. Can improve the engine power, economy can also be improve the three-way catalytic conversion device conversion rate and reduce pollution emissions.
    Keywords: Oxygen sensor; Data acquisition; Labview;Signal processing
     目  录
    第一章  概述    1
    1.1    课题的背景意义    1
    1.2    国内外动态    1
    1.3    课题难点与关键内容    1
    第二章  氧传感器    3
    2.1    氧传感器作用    3
    2.2    氧传感器结构    3
    2.2.1    氧化锆式氧传感器    3
    2.2.2    氧化钛式氧传感器    4
        2.3   氧传感器工作原理    4
    第三章  氧传感器的检测标准与数据分析    6
    3.1  氧传感器的常见故障    6
    3.2    氧传感器的波形分析    6
    3.2.1    氧传感器的正常波形    6
    3.2.2    氧传感器的杂波分析    7
    3.3    数据流分析及检测    9
    3.3.1    氧传感器检测    9
    3.3.2    数据流分析    11
    第四章  程序的设计与实现    13
        4.1  Labview简介    13
    4.2  方案设计    13
    4.3  界面设计与功能设计    14
    4.4    程序设计    17
    4.4.1    程序的4种状态    17
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