
    摘要近年来,虚拟现实(virtual reality,VR)技术发展较快。所谓虚拟现实,就是采用先进的输入、输出设备,对由计算机生成的实时三维系统进行自然化的扩展,能有效模拟现实的一种高级人机交互技术。将虚拟现实技术集成到制造业的零件装配过程中,即形成了虚拟装配技术(virtual assembly,VA),它是虚拟现实在制造业中应用的关键技术之一,其主要目的是为了提高产品的设计开发效率、缩短设计周期、降低成本。43916

    本文阐述了虚拟装配技术的原理和一般过程,通过Cult 3D软件设计了虚拟装配的具体设计流程;以柴油机喷油泵为例进行虚拟拆卸设计,成功地在虚拟环境下完成了对产品的拆卸。

    毕业论文关键词:虚拟现实;Cult 3D;3DS MAX;Solidworks;三维交互


    In recent years, virtual reality (VR), virtual reality technology has developed rapidly. The so-called virtual reality, is the use of advanced input and output equipment, computer generated by the real-time 3 d system of natural expansion, and it can effectively simulate people in the natural environment, auditory and action of a kind of behavior such as advanced man-machine interactive technology. Virtual reality technology integrated into the parts manufacturing assembly process, which formed a virtual assembly technology (virtual assembly, VA), it is one of the key technology, in the application of virtual reality in manufacturing industry . its main purpose is to improve product design development efficiency, to shorten the design cycle and reduce the cost. 

    This paper expounds the principle of virtual assembly and general process, it also gives the specific design of virtual assembly process; As a example ,this paper design the engine fuel injection pump to virtual disassembly, and successfully finish the removal of the product designation in a virtual environment.

    Keywords: Virtual Reality; Cult 3D; 3DS MAX; Solidworks; 3D hand over with each other


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 虚拟装配的概述 1

    1.2.2 国内研究状况 2

    1.2.3 虚拟装配技术的发展 2

    1.3 本课题方案确定 3

    1.3.1 本课题的研究目的和意义 3

    1.3.2 研究的任务 3

    1.3.3 研究的基本思路的实现 3

    第二章 solidworks三维建模 5

    2.1 喷油泵的组成 5

    2.2 solidworks绘制三维零件模型 6

    2.2.1 solidworks软件简介 6

    2.2.2 Solidworks软件绘制喷油泵滚轮销 7

    2.2.3 Solidworks软件绘制拆卸工具 9

    2.3 Solidworks软件装配 11

    2.3.1 Solidworks装配简介 11

    2.3.2 喷油泵装配 11

    2.3.3 专用工具的装配 12

    2.3.4 工具箱、机座、工具与喷油泵装配 13

    2.4  装配体的导出 14

    第三章 3DS MAX三维场景制作 15

    3.1 3DS MAX 软件简介 15

    3.2 3DS MAX三维场景制作 15

    3.2.1 喷油泵及工具箱调整轴

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