



    1. 详细分析工程机械产品在其生命周期的各个阶段与环境的关系,找出可能对环境造成的负面影响和产生的原因。同时研究工程机械产品绿色度综合评价指标体系的制定原则,确立合理的评价指标。

    2. 构造工程机械产品绿色度综合评价系统的层次模型,确立各个层次的评价指标。建立同一层次评价指标的权重判断矩阵,计算各评价指标的组合权重。对最底层评价指标建立隶属函数,确定相应的隶属阈,进行无量纲化处理得出隶属度。最后应用线性加权法给出产品的综合评价值。

    3. 根据模糊层次分析法评价产品绿色度的原理和步骤,采用 VB6.0作为开发工具,以SQL2000开发了功能完善,界面友好、使用简单的产品绿色度综合评价系统。应用该评价系统计算出电除尘器的绿色度综合评价结果和各项指标值。根据电除尘器的绿色度综合评价结果和各项指标值的分析,为电除尘器的进一步绿色化提出建议和意见。

    毕业论文关键词: 工程机械产品;全生命周期;绿色度;模糊层次分析法;评价指标   


    Nowadays,natural resource, environment and population are being three major problem that human society are confronted with. Especially the environment problem is threatening the survival and development of human society. Manufacturing industry as the basic industry of a country’s economy persistently keep the national economy developing, it is still not the main factor that keep our economy improving in the past and our living days but in the anticipated future. But, what kind of product is green product, how to objectively, scientifically make a comprehensive evaluation for the green degree of product, still have no unified, authoritative view. Objective and scientific measure of the green degree has become very important.

    A suitable evaluation system and method not only affects the accuracy of the evaluation results, but also affects the reasonable formulate and implement of the production plan. This paper makes a comparison of several common system evaluation method, according to the characteristics of the product, and put forward the application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to mechanical and electrical products to to make comprehensive evaluation for green degree of product.

    This paper mainly studies the following several aspects:

    1. Make a detailed analysis of the relationship between each stage of mechanical and electrical products in its life cycle and the environment, identify the possible factors that have impact on the environmental.at the same time,study the principle of making the comprehensive evaluation index system for the green degree of mechanical and electrical pruducts and establish the reasonable evaluation index.

    2. Construct the hierarchical model of the comprehensive evaluation system for the green degree of mechanical and electrical pruducts. establish the evaluation index.for every layer. Establish the judgment matrix for the weight of the evaluation index of each level,ccalculate the combination weight of every index.establish membership function for the bottom index,identify the membership thresholds. Make dimensionless processing to 

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