


    ABSTRACT   The valve train is one the most important mechanisms in a internal combustion engine.It is set by the valve, valve transmission group, camshaft drive mechanism consists of three parts.Its function is to achieve the ventilation process, that is based on the work order of the cylinder, timed to open and close the intake valve and exhaust valve to ensure fresh air and remove the suction cylinder combustion exhaust gas.The design of a reasonable relationship to the internal combustion engine connected to unreasonable economic performance, power performance, emissions performance and work reliable durability.ND485 diesel engine mounted under the drive forms, by the cams, tappets, push rod, rocker, adjusting screws and other components.Because the engine intake and exhaust valve train control process consists of a direct impact on the performance of the engine, so it is one of the indicators to measure engine reliability.With the high engine power, high-speed development, its performance requirements are getting higher and higher, in order to enable it to run at high speed under the conditions still able to work smoothly and reliably, and thus have higher gas distribution mechanism requirements.

    Key words:Internal combustion engine; Valve train; Cam profile

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题背景 1

    1.2 本课题研究的目的与意义 1

    1.3 配气机构的研究历程和现状 2

    1.4 本课题主要研究内容 3

    第二章 配气机构总体布置的设计 4

    2.1 配气机构设计要求 4

    2.2 气门的数目、布置 4

    2.3 凸轮轴的布置和传动方式 4

    第三章 配气机构的零件和组件的设计计算 6

    3.1 气门组的设计 6

      3.1.1气门的设计 6

    3.1.2 气门座圈的设计 11

    3.1.3气门导管的设计 12

    3.1.4气门弹簧的设计 13

    3.2凸轮轴的设计 19

    3.3 几何凸轮的设计 20

    3.4挺柱的设计 22

    3.5推杆的设计 25

    3.6摇臂的设计 26

    第四章 基于SolidWorks的三维建模 30

    4.1 SolidWorks软件简介

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